Name: Ki-Soo Eun
Institution: Graduate School of International Studies,
Seoul National University
Brief Self Introduction
I am a sociologist and demographer who has research interests in family(intergenerational relations, family values, family history), demography(low fertility, aging, historical demography, transnational migration), religion, volunteerism, sleep studies and social policy. I am participating in international collaborative works in family and intergenerational relations, transnational migration and sleep studies. I expect that GCOE program can have the role of networking international scholars who are interested in East Asian societies. In addition to this. GCOE program is expected to produce good raw data on East Asian societies which facilitate various collaborative works among graduate students as well as partner scholars.
Main Publications
Edited books
2002 Population of I. II. Daejeon: National Statistical Office. (with Doo-Sub Kim and Sang Tae Park )
2000 Aging in East and West: Families, States, and the Elderly. New York : Springer. (with Vern L. Bengtson, Kyong-Dong Kim, and George C. Myers)
2007 “A Comparative Analysis of the Changes in the Values and Attitudes Toward Gender Equality and Gender Roles in .” The Reivew of Korean Studies 10(2):11-29.
2007 “Lowest-Low Fertility in the Republic of Korea : Causes, Consequences and Policy Responses.” Asia-Pacific Population Journal 22(2).
2004 “Diversity and ‘Lineagy Strategy’ in Family Succession in Chosun Society.” Everyday Life of Yangban Class. Seoul: Baiksanseodang.
Introduction of Overseas Partners’ Institution
Graduate School of International Studies, Seoul National University educates global leaders for an increasingly complex global society. As both a professional and academic institution, it seeks to prepare its students to assume leading roles in government and non-government organizations, international organizations, multinational corporations, the media, as well as think-tanks and universities.
The curriculum is based on an integrated, multidisciplinary approach, which connects theory with practice. Almost all courses are provided in English. Some Japanese and Chinese studies courses are provided in Japanese and Chinese, respectively.
With the most prominent faculty in Korea specializing in international commerce, international cooperation, international area studies, and Korean studies, GSIS SNU provides a truly exceptional research and educational environment.
The student body is composed of highly qualified graduate students from all around the globe. As a source of knowledge and skills, GSIS SNU will continue to promote mutual understanding, peace, and prosperity, both regionally and globally.
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