Name: Nguyen Huu Minh
Institution: Institute for Family and Gender Studies (IFGS), Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, Hanoi, Vietnam
2002: | Associate Professor of Sociology, Institute of Sociology, Hanoi, Vietnam. |
1998: | Ph. D in Sociology, the Department of Sociology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA. |
1996: | Ph.D Candidate in Sociology, the Department of Sociology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA. |
1995: | MA in Sociology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA. Major in Demography. |
1987: | BA (Equivalent Certificate) in Philosophy, National University, Hanoi-Vietnam. |
1979: | BS in Economics, National Economic University, Hanoi- Vietnam. Major in Economical Mathematics. |
Other training:
1980: | Participating in the “Methodology for sociological studies” course by Professor Francois. Hourtar (Belgium). |
1995: | Participating as a lecturer and an assistant for the “Methodology for social sciences studies” Workshop organized by the U.S. Social Sciences Research Council in Hanoi, Vietnam. |
1997: | Participating in the workshop of “Population Policy Communication” organized by the Population Reference Bureau (USA) in Washington D.C. |
1999: | Serving as a resource person for the training course in “Gender and development; and qualitative bottom-up [participatory] data collection” by Professor Loes Schenk-Sandbergen (Netherlands). Goal of this course is to develop in participants the knowledge, attitudes, methods, and skills in collecting gender data in the field with the participation of the members, and in particular the women in order to make a gender analysis, and gender palnning to empower the involved women. |
1999-2000: | Serving as resource person for 10 training courses of the Project “Improvement of Strengthening for Trainning and Study on Urban Development in Hanoi and other cities of Viet Nam”, sponsored by Netherland Royal Goverment, 1998 – 2000. |
2000: | Participating in the Workshop of Research Analysis and Policy, organized by The National Committee for Advancement of Women (Vietnam), The UNDP, The Royal Netherlands, and the CIDA. |
2002: | Teacher in the “Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Research Training Program” organized by the Vietnamese Academy of Social Sciences (Vietnam) and Social Sciences Research Council (USA). |
2003-2007: | Academic Coordinator and Teacher in the “Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Research Training Program” organized by the Vietnamese Academy of Social Sciences (Vietnam) and Social Sciences Research Council (USA). |
1999-present: | Teacher for MA programs, Sociological methodology course, in the Institute of Sociology (IOS); University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Ho Chi Minh city; National Political Academy named Ho Chi Minh. |
Vietnamese (Native language)
English (Fluent)
Russian (Good)
Professional Experience
Working Status:
Aug 2005-present: | Director of Institute for Family and Gender Studies (IFGS) Member of Scientific Committee, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences Member of Scientific Committee, National Committee of Population, Family and Children Issues |
1999- Aug 2005: | Vice-director of the Institute of Sociology (IOS); Head of Department of Urban Sociology. |
2002-present: | Associate Professor in Sociology, Institute for Family and Gender Studies (IFGS). |
1998- 1999: | Senior Researcher, Institute of Sociology (IOS), Hanoi, Vietnam. |
1992- 1998: | Research Assistant, Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology, Department of Sociology, University of Washington. |
1987-1992: | Editor and Head of Editorial Board of Sociological Review ( in Vietnamese), Institute of Sociology, Hanoi, Vietnam. Member of the Scientific Committee of the Institute of Sociology ( from Aug. 1991) Lecturer in some Universities in Hanoi on the field of Social Aspects on Housing Problems and Urban Social Structure. |
1986-1987: | Acting Head of Department of Sociological Researches on Social Structure, Institute of Sociology. |
1979-1985: | Researcher of Department of Urban Sociology, Institute of Sociology, Vietnam National Center for Social Sciences. |
Other Organizations:
1999-2003: | Advisory Committee Member of Population Council (USA) in Vietnam |
2003-2004: | Excecutive Committee Member and Member of Technical Advisory Group of the National Adolescent and Health Study which has recently become known as SAVY (Survey Assessment of Adolescent Vietnam Youth) |
2004: | Visiting Fellow, Research Program, The East-West Center, Hawaii, USA. (September 14-30, 2004) |
2005: | Co-organizer and Chair of one session in Population Association of America (PAA) Annual Meeting in Philadenphia (USA). |
Research Project Participation (10 recent years):
2007-2008: | Among key authors of consolidated report“Result of Nation-wide Survey on the Family in Vietnam 2006”, organized by Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism; Unicef; General Statistics Office and Institute for Family and Gender Studies. This report was published in June 2008. |
2006: | Principal Investigator of the Project“Situation of Vietnamese Family-perspectives from qualitative studies”, in collaboration with National Committee of Population, Family and Children and UNICEF. |
2006: | Team leader of Questionnaire development group of National Survey of Vietnamese Family, in collaboration with National Committee of Population, Family and Children; General Statistics Office, and UNICEF in Vietnam. |
2006-2007: | Principal Investigator of the Project “Evolving process of domestic violence in Vietnam-detection from a qualitative research”, funded by the Ford Foundation. |
2005-2007: | Principal Investigator in Vietnam: "A Study of Sexual and Reproductive Health among Adolescents and Young Adults in Three Asian Countries", in collaboration with Johns Hopkins Bloomberg school of public health, Baltimore (USA); The Shanghai Institute of Planned Parenthood Research (SIPPR) in China; The Bureau for Health Promotion in Taiwan, Taichung Healthcare and Management University; Chung Shan University (Taiwan). |
2004-2007: | A member of Project Management Board “Rural Families in Transitional Vietnam”. This is a collaborative project between Institute of Sociology (IOS), Vietnamese Academy of Social Sciences, Hanoi; Institute of Thematic Research (Tema), Linköping University, Sweden; Center for Asian Studies (CEAS), Göteborg University, Sweden; Institute of Anthropology (IOA), Vietnamese Academy of Social Sciences, Hanoi; Institute of Family and Gender Studies (IFGS), Vietnamese. Funded by the SIDA (Sweden) |
2005: | Team leader of the survey in Vietnam "Behavioral Economic Survey-Vietnam 2005". This survey is funded by the University of Washington (Seattle, USA). Principal investigators are Prof. Leigh Anderson and Prof. Alison Cullen. |
2005: | Team leader of consultant team to prepare a report "Research on gender based domestic violence in Vietnam" serving for the workshop "Exploring Legislation and Domestic Violence", Ho Chi Minh City, December 16-17, 2005. This report is funded by the Ford Foundation. |
2005: | Team leader of the IOS team, "Baseline survey on social assessment of Hai Van Pass Tunnel Construction Project" which is funded by the JBIC (Japan). |
2005: | Team leader of Local consultant team, Project "Gender situation assessment of Vietnam-Sweden Health Cooperation" funded by SIDA (Sweden). This Project is run by the Ministry of Health. |
2004-2005: | Local consultant of the Project "Chia Se Poverty Alleviation Programme". This Project is funded by SIDA (Sweden). Local consultant's tasks are to develop and implement the Management Information System/Monitoring and Evaluation System for Chia Se Project. |
2004-2005: | Principal Investigator, the Project “Rural electrification impact study and analysis (second stage, 2005)”, funded by the SIDA (Sweden) and The WB. |
2004-2005: | Author of a policy brief " Impact of family setting on youth", based on data analysis of SAVY. This brief was funded by WHO. |
2004-2005: | Team leader of the IOS team, Study on "Impact of existing residence registration policy on urban poverty alleviation". This study is collaborative work by Villes en Transition (VeT), Center for Sociology and Development Studies (CSD) in Ho Chi Minh City, and the Institute of Sociology. This study is funded by the World Bank and the Ford Foundation in Vietnam. |
2002-2006: | Coordinator from the Institute of Sociology side, the Project “Seeking Synergy between Urban Growth, Horticulture and the Environment in Asian Metropolises”, in cooperation with Hanoi Agricultural University and several partners in the Netherlands, Portugal, China. |
2003: | Principal investigator, the Project “Peer-Driven Intervention for HIV Prevention among Injection Drug Users in four cities, towns in Vietnam (Hai Phong, Lang Son, Ha Giang, Cam Pha)”, funded by Ford Foundation, Abt Associates Inc, FHI. |
2003: | National consultant to prepare a final report of the Project “Population and Family Health” carried out by the National Committee of Population-Family and Children. |
2002-2003: | Local consultant to prepare a “Report on HIV/AIDS Assesment in Vietnam”, funded by The Royal Danish Embassy in Vietnam. The objective of the consultancy is to assess the specific HIV/AIDS situation in Vietnam. |
2002: | Principal Investigator, the Evaluation Project of “Model of integration of population and development in Dabac district, Hoabinh province”, funded by the WB. |
2002: | Team Leader, External Review and Strategic Outline Mission of the Project “Prevention of Domestic Violence” (RaFH) 2001-2002, funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Embassy of Switzerland at Hanoi. |
2000-2003: | Principal Investigator, The “Independent monitoring of land acquisition, resettlement and consultation for ethnic minorities’ groups” Project. This Project is a component of the Rural Transport Project I and II, funded by the WB. The third and fourth year program of Project I, and the first year program of Project II were finished. The second year program of Project II is in process. |
1999-2003: | Member of Technical Expert Group, Localized Poverty Reduction in Vietnam: Building Capacity for Policy Assessment and Project Planning (LPRV Project). This Project is a Network of universities and research centers in Vietnam committed to poverty reduction and is funded by CIDA (Canada). This Project is run by Vietnamese Academy of Social Sciences in collaboration with 5 universities in Vietnam, University of British Columbia and University of Laval in Canada. |
2001-2002: | Principal Investigator, the Project “Socio-economic Impacts of electrification in rural areas in Vietnam”, funded by the New Zealand Government and The WB. |
2001: | Co-Principal investigator, Project “Providing services with a high quality and reasonable price on reproductive health/HIV/AIDS and family planning via sub-center in Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi”. This research was funded by the Marie Stopes International in Vietnam. |
2001: | Principal investigator, the Project “Need Assessment of Family Planning and Reproductive Health/HIV/AIDS in the 'Social Forestry and Natural Conservation (SFNC) Project in Nghe An province”. |
2000-2001: | Principal investigator, Survey on “Socio-economic impacts of the construction of highway No. 5 on communities along the highway”. This research was funded by the JBIC (Japan). |
2000: | Research team leader, Project “Situation analysis of women’s health and safety and gender issues in Vietnam”. This is one of four reseaches to help National Committee for Advancement of Women (NCFAW) develop the National Plan of Action for the Advancement of Women to the Year 2005. This Project was funded by the Ford Foundation in Vietnam. |
2000: | Principal investigator, baseline survey to assess the effectiveness of the model of population-development integration in Dabac district, Hoabinh province. |
1999-2000: | Co-principal investigator, Project VIE/97-P15-01 “Incorporation of population indicators to the socio-economic development plans to assure sustainable development of Hanoi”. This project was funded by the UNFPA in Hanoi. |
1999: | Head of a Fieldwork Team to assess a current state of poverty and people’s needs at 21 poor communes (Dabac district, Hoabinh province), the Population and the Family Health Care Project (the Vietnam National Committee for Population and Family Planning). |
1999: | Among team leaders of a qualitative study on gender-based violence in Vietnam (in April and May) supported by the World Bank as a contribution to the preparation of its Global Policy Research Report on Gender and Development. |
1999: | Consultant on Inventory and Review of Population/Development Training Programme and Materials VIE/97/P13-NEU. |
Main Publications (Mostly in Vietnamese except noted otherwise):
1. | Nguyen Huu Minh 1983. Youth and the Needs of Entertainment. Sociological Review, No. 1 (1). Hanoi, Vietnam. Pp. 70-75. |
2. | Institute of Sociology (I was among authors). 1985. Social Aspects of Housing Problems. Booklet, Institute of Sociology. Hanoi, Vietnam. |
3. | Nguyen Huu Minh 1986. Service Policies in the Day-life of Urban Workers and Functionaries. Sociological Review, No. 4 (16). Hanoi, Vietnam. Pp. 46-49. |
4. | Chung A and Nguyen Huu Minh 1991. Workers and State-run Enterprises , Analyzing Some Social Aspects from Several Evaluations. Sociological Review, No. 1 (33). Hanoi, Vietnam. Pp. 41-46. |
5. | Bui The Cuong; Vu Manh Loi; and Nguyen Huu Minh 1991. Social, Demographic and Cultural Aspects of A Rural Commune in the Central Part of Vietnam. Sociological Review , No. 2 (34). Hanoi, Vietnam. Pp. 18-26. |
6. | Nguyen Huu Minh 1991. Thinking on the issue of forming a group of professional workers in Hanoi factories. Sociological Review , No. 3 (35). Hanoi, Vietnam. Pp. 67-70. |
7. | Nguyen Huu Minh 1991. Socio-Economic Changes and Possibilities for Reducing the Norm of Children Number in Northern Plain Rural Households. Sociological Review , No. 4 (36). Hanoi, Vietnam. Pp. 38-46. |
8. | Nguyen Huu Minh 1992. The Vietnamese Working Class in the Social Structure: Problems of Studies in Current Time. Sociological Review , No. 1 (37). Hanoi, Vietnam. Pp. 15-23. |
9. | Andien Research Group (I was the first author). 1992. Aging Problems in Andien Commune. Sociological Review , No. 2 (38). Hanoi, Vietnam. Pp. 15-20. |
10. | Nguyen Huu Minh 1995. Age at First Marriage in Vietnam. Sociological Review , No. 4 (52). Hanoi, Vietnam. Pp. 42-63. |
11. | Nguyen Minh Thang; Charles Hirschman; Nguyen Huu Minh 1996. Rural Women’s Attitude toward Family Size: Tendency of Change and Impacted Factors. Sociological Review, No. 3 (55). Hanoi, Vietnam. Pp. 3-15. |
12. | Nguyen Minh Thang; Nguyen Huu Minh; Pamina Gorbach; and Ingrid Swenson. 1996. Infant and Child Mortality: Comparisons among Norther Areas Pre-and Post- American War. Population Information, No. 5. Hanoi, Vietnam. Hanoi, Vietnam. |
13. | Vu Manh Loi and Nguyen Huu Minh 1996. The Longitudinal Survey in Empirical Sociological Studies. Sociological Review, No. 1 (56). Hanoi, Vietnam. Pp. 86-91. |
14. | Nguyen Huu Minh 1997. Age at First Marriage in Viet Nam: Patterns and Determinants (in English). Asia-Pacific Population Journal, June, No. 2 (12). Pp. 49-74. |
15. | Nguyen Huu Minh 1999. Mate Selection Process in the Red River Delta: Tradition and Change. Sociological Review, No. 1 (65), Hanoi, Vietnam. Pp. 28-39. |
16. | Vu Manh Loi, Vu Tuan Huy, Nguyen Huu Minh, Jennifer Clement 1999. Gender-based Violence: The Case of Vietnam. Study commissioned by the World Bank. (Bilingual) |
17. | Nguyen Huu Minh and Charles Hirschman 2000. Patrilocal co-residence after marriage in the Red river delta and its determinants. Sociological Review, No. 1 (69), Hanoi, Vietnam. Pp. 41-54. |
18. | Nguyen Huu Minh 2000. Improvement of using population indicators in development planning in Hanoi- an urgent need. Sociological Review, No. 3 (71), Hanoi, Vietnam. Pp. 38-46. |
19. | Nguyen Huu Minh 2000. Transformations socio-e'conomiques et nuptialite'. In Patrick Gubry (editor) Population et de'veloppement au Vie^t-nam. Marthala-CEPED. Pp. 83-116. (French and Vietnamese). Vietnamese version was published in 2004 by The Gioi Publisher. (D©n sè vµ ph¸t triÓn ë ViÖt Nam: Patrick Gubry, NguyÔn H÷u Dòng, Ph¹m Thóy H¬ng chñ biªn) |
20. | Nguyen Huu Minh 2000. Factor affecting the age at marriage of residents in the Red River Delta. Sociological Review, No. 4 (72), Hanoi, Vietnam, Pp. 21-32. |
21. | Nguyen Huu Minh 2001. On coordination between research and teaching activities in the Institute of Sociology. Sociological Review, No. 2 (74), Hanoi, Vietnam. Pp. 79-88. |
22. | Nguyen Huu Minh 2001. Major approaches to study marriage. Sociological Review, No. 4 (76), Hanoi, Vietnam. Pp. 14-20. |
23. | Nguyen Huu Minh and Le Phuong 2001. Real situation, awareness in taking care ow women's reproductive health in the Poor Northern mountainous communes. Journal of women's studies No. 2 (45), 3-2001. Pp. 50-56. |
24. | Nguyen Huu Minh 2001. Combination of qualitative and quantitative methods in sociological studies. Journal of Women's Studies No. 5 (48), 9-2001. Pp. 46-49. |
25. | Dang Nguyen Anh, Trinh Duy Luan, and Nguyen Huu Minh 2001. Internal migration and urbanization in Vietnam. Statistical Publisher. English and Vietnamese version. |
26. | Nguyen Huu Minh 2002. Urbanization in Vietnam during 90s: Basic Socioeconomic Characteristics. Sociological Review, No. 1 (77), Hanoi, Vietnam. Pp. 11-20. |
27. | Nguyen Huu Minh 2002. Population and sustainable development in major fields in Hanoi: challenges in the coming years. Vietnam Socio-Economic Development Review. No. 29, Pp. 60-68. English version. |
28. | Nguyen Huu Minh and Le Phuong 2002. Health care system and problems of reproductive health care of women in poor mountain communes in Dabac District, Hoabinh Province. Ethnological Review, No. 1 (115). Pp. 15-22. |
29. | Charles Hirschman and Nguyen Huu Minh 2002. Tradition and Change in Vietnamese Family Structure in the Red River Delta. Journal of Marriage and Family No. 64 (November 2002). (in English). Pages 1063-1079. |
30. | Nguyen Huu Minh 2002. Some social aspects that are of research concern in processes of administrative reform. Sociological Review, No. 3 (79), Hanoi, Vietnam. Pp. 18-26. |
31. | Trinh Duy Luan and Nguyen Huu Minh 2002. Regional characteristics of urbanization: Some glimpses from the Population Census 1999. Vietnam Socio-Economic Development Review. No. 31, Pp. 35-44. English version. |
32. | Nguyen Huu Minh 2003. Urbanization and Vietnam’s rural development-some issues of research interests. Sociological Review, No. 3 (83), Hanoi, Vietnam. Pp. 15-20. |
33. | Nguyen Huu Minh and Nguyen Xuan Mai 2004. Urban poverty in Vietnam: An overview. Sociological Review, No. 3 (87), Hanoi, Vietnam. Pp.46-61 . |
34. | Nguyen Huu Minh and Nguyen Xuan Mai 2005. Urbanization and urban poverty in Vietnam: some basic characteristics. In Nguyen The Nghia, Mac Duong, Nguyen Quang Vinh (editors): "Urbanization and poverty reduction in Ho Chi Minh City: theories and practices". Social Sciences Publisher. Hanoi. |
35. | Nguyen Huu Minh and Nguyen Xuan Mai 2005. Poverty in urban in Vietnam: Some general characteristics. Vietnam's Socio-economic Development. No. 41, Spring 2005. Hanoi, Vietnam. Pp. 44-61. |
36. | Nguyen Huu Minh et al. 2005. Socio-economic transformations in suburban Hanoi during urbanization. Sociological Review, No. 1 (89), Hanoi, Vietnam. Pp.56-64 . |
37. | Trinh Duy Luan, Nguyen Huu Minh and Dang Nguyen Anh. 2005. Urbanization and Urban Growth in Vietnam. In Gayl D Ness and Prem P Tailwar (editors) Asian urbanization in the new millennium. Asian Urban Information Center of Kobe and Marshall Cavendish Academic. Pp. 283-319. (English). |
37a. | Dinh Quang, Luong Hong Quang, To Duy Hop, Nguyen Huu Minh, Nguyen Tuan Anh, Nguyen Thi Minh Phuong, Bui Hoai Son, Nguyen Thi Hien, Pham Nam Thanh 2005. Cultural activities of urban and industrial areas in Vietnam [Doi song van hoa do thi va khu cong nghiep Vietnam]. Cultural-Information Publisher, Hanoi. |
38. | Trinh Duy Luan, Nguyen Huu Minh, Nguyen Chien Thang. 2006. Economic efficiency of big infrastructure projects (A case study: Impact of the Highway No. 5 upgradation on local economies lying along the road). Vietnam's Socio-economic Development. No. 46, Summer 2006. Hanoi, Vietnam. Pp. 63-74. |
39. | Nguyen Huu Minh, Le Ngoc Lan, Nguyen Thi Mai Hoa and Tran Thi Cam Nhung 2006. Violence by husbands to wives in Vietnam for recent years (Bao luc cua chong doi voi vo o Viet Nam trong nhung nam gan day). Journal of women’s studies, No. 3 (76). Hanoi, Vietnam. Pp. 3-11. |
40. | Nguyen Huu Minh 2006. Families and delivery of health messages for the young and adolescents (Gia dinh voi viec cung cap thong tin ve suc khoe cho thanh nien va vi thanh nien). Journal of Family and Gender Studies. No. 1 (Volume 16). Hanoi, Vietnam. Pp. 23-37. |
41. | Nguyen Huu Minh 2006. Family-a source of emotional support for youth and adolescent (Gia dinh-nguon ho tro tinh cam cho thanh nien va vi thanh nien). Sociology (Xa hoi hoc), No. 3 (95), Hanoi, Vietnam. Pp. 25-38. |
42. | Nguyen Huu Minh 2006. Hunger eradication and poverty reduction in Vietnam and challenges in the new era (Chuong trinh xoa doi giam ngheo o Viet Nam va nhung thach thuc trong giai doan moi). Sociology (Xa hoi hoc), No. 4 (96), Hanoi, Vietnam. Pp. 11-19 . |
43. | Vu Manh Loi, Nguyen Huu Minh, Tran Vu Hoang, Vuong Thi Huong Thu, Robert S. Broadhead, Dang Thanh Truc, Nguyen Nga My, Doan Kim Thang. 2006. I want to quit but can’t (Toi muon tu bo nhung khong the). Working papers on HIV Prevention, Care, and Treatment in Vietnam. USAID, FHI, Haiphong Department of Health, Campha Health Center. |
44. | Nguyen Huu Minh and Le Ngoc Lan. 2006. Research on Gender Based Domestic in Vietnam. Vietnam Journal of Family and Gender Studies. No.1 (Volume 1). (English) Hanoi, Vietnam. Pp. 54-75. |
45. | Nguyen Huu Minh 2006. Impact of family setting on Vietnamese youth and adolescents health. Ministry of Health, United Nations in Vietnam, and SIDA publication. Hanoi 2006. (English and Vietnamese) |
46. | Victor T King, Phuong An Nguyen and Nguyen Huu Minh. 2007. 'Professional middle class youth in post-reform Vietnam: Identity, continuity and change', in Modern Asian Studies, Cambridge University Press. January 2007. Page 1-31. (English, online) in Modern Asian Studies Volume 42, Part 4 (July 2008), pp 783-814. (English, hardcopy) |
47. | Nguyen Huu Minh 2007. Twenty years of the Institute for Family and Gender Studies: Reseach Results and Emerging Issues. Vietnam Journal of Family and Gender Studies. Vol. 2, No.1 2007. Pg 3-15. (English) [Nguyen Huu Minh 2007. Thanh tuu nghien cuu cua Vien Gia dinh va Gioi va mot so van de can quan tam. Tap chi Nghien cuu Gia dinh va Gioi, so 3 (Quyen 17). Ha Noi. Trang 3-16.] |
48. | Nguyen Huu Minh and Le Ngoc Lan 2007. Domestic violence against women and influential factors (An overview based on recent researches) (Bao luc gia dinh doi voi phu nu o Viet Nam va cac yeu to tac dong (tong quan qua mot so nghien cuu gan day). Review of Social Sciences (Tap chi Khoa hoc xa hoi). Vol 04 (104) 2007. Ho Chi Minh city. Pg. 20-31. |
49. | 49. Nguyen Huu Minh, Le Ngoc Lan and Nguyen Thi Mai Hoa 2007. Prevention of domestic violence against women in Vietnam: some concerning issues. Vietnam Social Sciences. No. 1 (20). Hanoi. Pg 71-82. |
50. | Nguyen Huu Minh and Vu Manh Loi 2007. Some emerging issues about poor women’s access to healthcare services (Mot so van de dat ra ve viec tiep can dich vu cham soc suc khoe cua phu nu ngheo). Review of Social Sciences. Vol 06 (106) 2007. Ho Chi Minh city. Pg. 19-28. |
51. | Nguyen Huu Minh 2007. Age at first marriage in rural areas and influencing factors (Khuon mau tuoi ket hon o nong thon Viet Nam va cac yeu to tac dong). Sociology (Xa hoi hoc), No. 3 (99), Hanoi, Vietnam. Pp. 3-15. |
52. | Nguyen Huu Minh 2007. Hunger eradication and poverty reduction in Vietnam and challenges in the new era. Vietnam Economic Review No.7 (155), July 2007. Hanoi, Vietnam. Pp. 33-39. |
53. | Nguyen Huu Minh 2007. Hunger eradication and poverty reduction in Vietnam and challenges in the new era (Chuong trinh xoa doi giam ngheo o Viet Nam va nhung thach thuc trong giai doan moi). Vietnam Social Sciences (Vietnamese) No.5 (24), 2007. Hanoi, Vietnam. Pp. 67-78. |
54. | Nguyen Huu Minh 2007. HIV/AIDS risks for women health and relevant research concerns (Nguy co lay nhiem HIV/AIDS doi voi phu nu va nhung van de can nghien cuu). Journal of Family and Gender Studies (Nghien cuu Gia dinh va Gioi). No. 5 (Vol 17) 2007. Ha Noi, Viet Nam. Trang 25-37. |
55. | Nguyen Huu Minh and Dang Bich Thuy 2007. Studying children rights in Vietnam-Some methodological and practical issues (Nghien cuu viec thuc hien quyen tre em o Viet Nam-mot so van de ly luan va thuc tien). Sociology (Xa hoi hoc), No.4 (100), Hanoi, Vietnam. Pp. 27-36. |
56. | Nguyen Huu Minh 2008. Socio-economic contributions of migrants (Dong gop kinh te-xa hoi cura nguoi nhap cu). Sociology (Xa hoi hoc), No.2 (102), Hanoi, Vietnam. Pp. 14-22. |
57. | Nguyen Huu Minh 2008. After-marriage residence patterns in Vietnam rural areas (Khuon mau cu tru sau hon nhan o nong thon Viet Nam). Journal of Family and Gender Studies (Nghien cuu Gia dinh va Gioi). No. 2 (Vol 18) 2008. Ha Noi, Viet Nam. Trang 3-14. |
57. | Nguyen Huu Minh 2008. Post marriage residential changes: Tradition and current situation in Vietnam rural areas (Phong tuc luan chuyen noi o sau khi ket hon: truyen thong va thuc trang o nong thon Viet Nam). Journal of Family and Gender Studies (Nghien cuu Gia dinh va Gioi). No. 4 (Vol 18) 2008. Ha Noi, Viet Nam. Trang 3-13. |
55. | Peter Xenos, Nguyen Duy Khe, Nguyen Huu Minh, Margaret Sheehan, Vu Manh Loi, Le Thi Minh Chau, Nguyen Dinh Chung. From youth to adulthood: Benchmarks and Pathways in modern Vietnam. To be included in the Volume entitled: Reconfiguring Families in Contemporary Vietnam. Edited by Magali Barbieri and Daniele Belanger to be phulished by Standford University Press. |
Introduction of Overseas Partners’ Institution
Short Historical Background
In 1987 the Vietnamese government established the Center for Women Studies, one of the research institutes of the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences (VASS). During the International Year of the Family in 1994, the Vietnamese Government assigned to the Center an additional responsibility of taking on family studies. As a result, the Center was renamed Center for Family and Women Studies. In February 2004, the Vietnamese government again renamed the Center into Institute for Family and Gender Studies (IFGS). The Institute is the first and leading research institution of the Vietnamese government on women, family and gender issues.
The Institute aims to undertake theoretical and practical research to provide Vietnam's leaders, policy makers and planners at all levels with scientific arguments in the development of laws and policies on the family, women and gender equality. The Institute is also in the position of a reliable consultant for organizations and bodies in and related to family, women, and gender studies.
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