Name: Patricia UBEROI
Institution: Institute of Chinese Studies, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies
Brief Self Introduction :
Patricia Uberoi was born in Canberra, Australia, but has lived and worked in India for more than 40 years. She has an academic background in Oriental Studies (Far Eastern Languages and Civilizations) at the Australian National University, and a Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Delhi, India. She has held teaching and research posts in the Australian National University, the Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla, the University of Delhi and the Jawaharlal Nehru University, and was Reader and then Professor in Sociology at the Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi (1993-2007). Since 2003, she has also been Honorary Director of the Institute of Chinese Studies located at the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi.
Prof. Uberoi has published widely on themes of family, gender and popular culture, including a well-regarded text, Family, kinship and marriage in India (edited, Oxford University Press, 1993), and Social reform, sexuality and the state (edited, Sage Publications, 1996), and Rise of the Asian Giants: Dragon-Elephant Tango (Anthem Press, 2008), and co-edited Tradition, pluralism and identity: In honour of T.N. Madan (Sage Publications, 1999), Anthropology in the East: Founders of Indian sociology and anthropology (Permanent Black, 2007) and Marriage, migration and gender (Sage Publications, 2008). She was editor of the journal, Contributions to Indian sociology from 1992 to 2006 and is on the editorial board of several other academic journals.
Dr. Uberoi’s most recent book is Freedom and destiny: Gender, family and popular culture in India (Oxford University Press, 2006), which draws on several different genres of Indian popular culture -- calendar art, popular films, and women's magazines -- for sociological insights into contemporary questions of family and gender. She is currently editing a volume on marriage and family in South Asia, intended as a textbook for post-graduate students of sociology and social anthropology.
Major (academic field), main academic works and related activities, current academic interest and expectations/plans for the GCOE program:
Research on family, kinship, marriage and gender, and on aspects of popular culture and social policy in reference to both India and China. Over the last several years, as Director of the Institute of Chinese Studies, Delhi, Prof. Uberoi has developed an interest in furthering comparative studies of social and economic development in the Asian region, focused largely on India and China. In this capacity she has been involved in the organization of a series of India-China Comparative Studies seminars, conference volumes and occasional papers, including in the field of gender and development studies.
Main Publications
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translation of the title.
Introduction of Overseas Partners’ Institution
The Institute of Chinese Studies, Delhi, is a component unit of the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS), a social science research institute that functions under the aegis of the Indian Council for Social Science Research. The CSDS is widely known for its longitudinal studies of Indian elections, as well as for studies in democratization, social and political psychology, social history, gender studies, marginalization and affirmative action. In the early 1990s, two new programmes were added: Sarai, focused on media studies and cultural studies, and the Institute of Chinese Studies (ICS), an interdisciplinary network of scholars dedicated to the promotion of high-quality research on China and East Asia in India.
The ICS is mandated to initiate and support research projects, both within the Institute and outside; to provide a forum for sustained scholarly exchange and interaction between Indian academics and scholars from China and other parts of the world; to build up resource materials and a data-base on China and East Asia; to disseminate information and research findings to a wider public; as well as to train younger social scientists in East Asian Studies. The ICS has three component units -- the India-China Comparative Development Studies programme (in which projected activities under the GCOE project would be located), the Chinese Economy programme, and the East Asia programme. As a nodal institution for China and East Asian studies in India, ICS conducts seminars and workshops on themes related to East Asia and comparative studies of the Asian region; organizes training workshops for young social scientists; affiliates visiting scholars to enable their research work in India; collaborates with partner institutions in the East Asian region under its several MoUs; and produces a number of publications, including the journal China Report, an Occasional Papers series, and proceedings of meetings and seminars.
The ICS experience in English-language publication of scholarly writings on East Asian societies is a potentially useful resource for the GCOE programme, as is its past experience in conducting “Dissertation Workshops” for Japanese and Indian PhD research scholars.
Language: English