The 2nd Next-Generation Global Workshop (2009)
The 2nd Next-Generation Global Workshop, Nov. 21-22, 2009
APPLICATION GUIDELINE for Applicants from Overseas Partner Institutions
The 2ND Next-Generation Global Workshop
Is “Family” Alive? :Changing Social Relations through Sex, Politics and Communication
Overview of Next-Generation Global Workshop
The purpose of the Next-Generation Global Workshop is to provide early career scholars an opportunity to give presentations, to exchange opinions with their peers from various parts of the world, and to learn how to organize an international academic workshop. We plan to hold such workshops for five years, and this is the second year. Following the last year, it will be held again in Kyoto University, Japan.
This year, we aim to focus on Family as the main theme as it is a contested notion in recent social and human sciences; some specialists say that Family is now so diverse that it no longer stands as an analytical concept whilst it is still used unquestioned in our daily life from social welfare policies to neighborhood conversations, perhaps without contemplation on changes happening in actual families. This gap between the concept and the practice of Family can be a worthwhile topic of the workshop as it seems to overlap with the concern of GCOE Program: reconstruction of intimate and public spheres.
How does Family respond to the expectations of our society, does it function, what does it entail, if at all? More boldly, the question is ‘Is Family alive’? We propose to discuss this big issue by looking into discourse, media, welfare, migration, sexuality and gender centered around Family, dividing the two day workshop into four sessions.
Apply with care that this way of organization is different from last year’s, and your presentation needs to fit into one of the four session categories: Gender, Sexuality and Family; Welfare and Family; Migration and Family; Discourse, Media and Family. We look forward to seeing your high-quality applications.
Application Guideline
1. Schedule for the Next-Generation Global Workshop in 2009:
July 11 Application Deadline
Oct. 30 Deadline for submission of paper (4,000 – 7,000 words)
Nov. 21-22 GCOE Next-Generation Global Workshop
Nov. 23 GCOE International Conference
2. Number of Presenters
About 20 presenters from overseas and about 10-20 presenters from Japan
3. Venue
Inamori Foundation Memorial Hall, Kyoto University, 46 Shimoadachi-Cho, Yoshida, Sakyo-Ku, Kyoto
Application for the Next-Generation Global Workshop 2009
(1) Topics which fit into one of the following four session categories may be accepted:
1) Gender, Sexuality and Family; 2) Welfare and Family; 3) Migration and Family; 4) Discourse, Media and Family
(2) The number to be accepted: within 20 persons
(3) Deadline of Application: July 11, 2009 (Japanese local time)
(4) Qualifications: Ph.D. student, post-doctoral, fellowship and the like recommended by Overseas Partners. Those who are in full-time teaching positions are not accepted. Organizing Committee will conduct screening on qualifications and contents of your abstracts.
(5) Application Form:
There is no application form. Please email your application to the Organizing Committee with the following information.
Email: gcoe.nextgeneration[atmark]
a) Name in passport (If you need to get a visa to enter Japan, please write down your nationality, gender, birth year and date, and your age.)
b) Affiliation
c) Title/Position
d) Contact number, Mailing address and Email address
e) Title of presentation and an abstract (700 words)
f) Session you prefer to present among the followings:
Session 1: Gender, Sexuality and Family
Session 2: Welfare and Family
Session 3: Migration and Family
Session 4: Discourse, Media and Family
(6) The Organizing Committee will arrange hotel accommodations maximally for four nights (Check-in: Nov. 20, Check-out: Nov. 24) and will provide stipend (approx. 10,000 yen per day with small variation depending on flights). Please note that you have to pay hotel accommodation fee (9,000 yen/night) out of this stipend.
A round- trip air ticket designated by the organizer will be also provided. You can extend your stay if your condition of the stay in Japan allows and if the schedule would not affect the airfare. The organizer will not support expenses incurred due to the extension of your stay, and you are responsible for all the arrangement for the extension.
1) You need to cover your daily expenses such as meals and transportation by yourself.
2) As this time of the year is the high season for tourists in Japan, accommodation rates at hotels are relatively high. The organizer has already selected the hotel for the reduced group rate, and all participants shall stay at the hotel arranged by the organizer. Please note that the accommodation fee maximally for four nights will be charged even to those who insist on staying at any other place by their own choice.
3) The organizer can NOT provide any fees incurred for visa and insurance. Please take out insurance by yourself.
(7) Presenters have to submit short paper (about 4,000 - 7,000 words) by October 30.
Contact: Organizing Committee of the Next-Generation Global Workshop,
Kyoto University, Japan
Look for KUSAKA Wataru and LEE Meg, GCOE Staff representatives. Please send your application to the following email address. gcoe.nextgeneration[atmark]
2009年6月17日(水) 18:46 JST