11/21-23 The 2nd Next-Generation Global Workshop and International Symposium
The 2nd Next-Generation Global Workshop
Is “Family” Alive? :Changing Social Relations through Sex, Politics and Communication
GCOE at Kyoto University, as a part of the Asian ERASMUS pilot program, provides next-generation scholars an opportunity to engage in academic dialogue with peer overseas researchers particularly from Asia every year.
This time, for the first two days, we hold the 2nd Next-Generation Workshop where next-generation researchers give presentations.
On the third day, the GCOE Symposium is held by our partner scholars from overseas.
This year’s theme is “Family”.
We welcome all who wish to experience exciting and dynamic intellectual events!
GCOE program leader, Emiko OCHIAI
・ Programe is 【HERE】
click ↑ to download the poster
International Symposium: Family and Intimacy in Asia
Our Global COE Program is holding an international symposium on November 23, and this year’s theme is “Family”.
The purpose is to share some achievements on various sub-projects within the program, and this symposium consists of two sessions and a keynote speech.
In Symposium I, our GCOE partner scholars talk about our international publication project.
In Symposium II, the topic is about the UNRISD project on the “Political and Social Economy of Care”.
As a keynote speech, Prof. CHANG Kyung-Sup from Seoul National University is to talk on the crisis of family in Asia.
We welcome all who wish to experience exciting and dynamic intellectual events!
2009年10月29日(木) 12:25 JST