Associate Professor
Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University

Yuko Kizu joined the Graduate School of Letters at Kyoto University in April of 1998. Her research focuses on the study of the Chinese language.  

Main publications:

March 2009 (co-author), Kango hōgen kaishaku chizu-shū, Hakuteisha. (Collection of maps for the interpretation of Sino-Japanese dialects, in Japanese).

June 2008 琉球的官話課本,“官話”文体与”教訓”言語,『域外漢籍研究集刊』(中華書局,北京)

March 2008 “‘Kanwa’ buntai to ‘kyōkun no gengo: Ryūkyū Kanwa Kahon to Seiyu wo megutte”, Yoshida Tomio kyōju taikyū kinen ronshū, Kyuko Shoin. (‘Mandarin’ style and ‘imperative’ language: a study on Mandarin textbooks from Ryūkyū, and Chinese imperial edicts, in Japanese).

March 2008 “Kenryū ni-nen Yaeyama nanmin Sekkōshō hyōchaku jiken ni okeru kanwa jinmon ni tsuite” Ajia bunka kōryū kenkyū no. 3 (Center for the Studies of Asian Cultures, Kansai University). (A study of records of Mandarin concerning Yaeyama ship washed to Zhejiang in Qianlong 2, in Japanese).

January 2008 “Hakusei no seiritsu to denshō: kanwa kahon ni kizamareta wakaki Kuninda tsūji-tachi”, Tōhōgaku no. 115. (The compilation and transmission of the Pai-hsing: an examination of young interpreters appearing in Mandarin textbooks, in Japanese).

October 2007 “Den Hideyoshi shoji senmen no nitchū taiyaku goi: hi-yakkankei nitchū taiyaku shiryō no keifu”, Kai yakugo ronbun-shū (Language Education Center Forum at Daito Bunka University). (The vocabulary of Japanese-Chinese parallel texts in Hideyoshi’s fan: the genealogy of Japanese-Chinese parallel texts made by non-interpreters, in Japanese).

Marchi 2007 “Shindai Ryūkyū no kanwa kahon ni miru gengo to bunken” 19 seiki chūgokugo no shosō (Center for the Studies of Asian Cultures, Kansai University). (Language and documentation in Mandarin textbooks from Ryūkyū during the Qing dynasty, in Japanese).

December 2006 官話課本所反映的清代長崎、琉球通事的語言生活,『東亞漢語漢文學的翻譯與流傳:十七世紀至廿世紀』(中央研究院中国文哲研究所,台湾)

November 2004 Ryūkyū hensan no kanwa kahon ni miru ‘wei-zeng’, ‘bu-zeng’, ‘mei-you’: sono kahon-kan sai ga imi suru koto” Chūgokugogaku no. 251. (A study of the negators ‘wei-zeng’, ‘bu-zeng’, and ‘meiyou’ in Mandarin textbooks collected in Ryūkyū: the meaning behind the differences among textbooks”, in Japanese).

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