KOJIMA Takeshi


Global COE for Reconstruction of the Intimate and Public Spheres in 21st Century Asia
Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University

Academic background:

April 2003 Research fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of science
April 2007 Research fellow of the COE Program at the faculty of law, Kyoto University
November 2007  Ph.D from Kyoto University

Main Publications:

"The Investigation of the Theories of the Risk Society", Sociology, Vol.46, No.3 19-36. 2002

“Sociology of Science, Technology, and Risks”, Ochanomizu-shobo, 2007

"Science, Technology, and Risks” Jun Yoshida and Toshio Sugiman (eds.) The Handbook of the Modern Industrial System Studying New Risks: Third edition, Industrial Technology and Social systems.

Research Group:  Policy Research

Research subject and Research Plan for the GCOE Program:

Today’s world enjoys the benefit of science and technology, at the same time people worries about their risks such as nuclear power, genetically modified organs, and the green house effect and so on. Especially the environmental and life science is the critical, because the former undermine the natural world we depend on the food, air, water and so on, the latter interfere our body and sometimes try to change the fundamental human condition. In the Global COE Research Program I would like to consider the problem of the democratization of science and artificial reproductive technology under the banner of the theme “ the reconstruction of the publicness and the intimacy”

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