Name:Pekka Korhonen(ペッカ・コルホネン)
Institution: Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Jyväskylä University
Brief Self Introduction
Professor of Political Science, especially World Politics, and head of the unit of Political Science. The concept of the world is here understood in the sense of Hannah Arendt, as the space between human beings, and thus World Politics means research on interpersonal, interorganizational, and interstate politics that is relevant for the whole world system. I approach my research area from the perspective of rhetoric, narrative analysis, conceptual history, geopolitics, and political philosophy. My current research interests are the concept of the world, history of the concept of Asia, the politics of world demography, and East Asian interstate politics.
Japan and the Pacific Free Trade Area. Routledge, London & New York, 1994.
Japan and Asia Pacific Integration: Pacific Romances 1968-1996, London and New York: Routledge, 1998
Main Publications
‘Asia’s Chinese Name’, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, 2002, Vol. 3, No 2, pp. 253-270.
‘Common Culture. Asia Rhetoric in the Beginning of the Twentieth Century’, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, 2008, Vol. 9, No 3, pp. 395-417.
Introduction of Overseas Partners’ Institution
Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Jyväskylä University, Finland
The department contains 6 major disciplines giving education at all levels from Bachelor to Doctor: Philosophy, Political Science, Sociology, Social and Public Policy, Social Work, and Women's Studies.
It has two Centres of Excellence, 1) Political Thought and Conceptual Change, and 2) Philosophical psychology, morality and politics (joint with Helsinki University), as well as 3) Family Research Centre All these centres deal with doctoral candidate level and higher levels of research.
Four master programmes: 1) Development and International Cooperation (English), 2) Cultural Policy (English and Finnish), 3) Social Gerontology (Finnish) and 4) Civil Society Expertise (Finnish). Although they are master programmes, their professors give also doctoral level supervision related to their fields.
Languages used in normal teaching are Finnish and English; in languages of supervision there is more variety, depending on the linguistic repertoire of individual teachers.
As all aspects of practical activities are changeable, it is always best to look for up to date information at the department website
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