Name: Carl le Grand
Institution: Department of Sociology, Stockholm University
Academic examina and merits
Ph.D. (Filosofie doktorsexamen) in sociology, april 1990, Stockholm University.
Associate Professor (docent) in sociology, Stockholm University 1992.
Professor in sociology at Stockholm University, 1999.
Current Employment
Professor at the Department of Sociology, Stockholm University
(Time for research about 50 %)
Previous Employments
Researcher, the Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI), Stockholm University, 1991 – 1992.
Senior lecturer (universitetslektor), Department of Sociology, Stockholm University 1993 – 1998.
Researcher, the Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI), Stockholm University 1999 - 2001.
Acting professor in sociology, Department of Sociology, Umeå University, 1994-09-01 -- 1995-08-31.
Visiting professor, International Research Center for Japanese Studies, Kyoto, Japan, 1996-07-21 -- 1997-07-20
Visiting professor, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan, 2007-10-01 -- 2007-12-01.
Chair of the Department of Sociology, Stockholm University 2003-01-01 – 2005-31-12.
Some other appointments
Member of the Evalutation Committee for Labour Market Research at FAS (Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research).
Member of a reference group at ESO (The Expert group for Studies of Public Economy, Swedish Ministry of Finance).
Member of the Steering group at the department of Sociology, Stockholm University.
Research Funding the last 5 years
Deputy member of SULCIS (Stockholm University Linnaeus Center for Integration Studies) a ten-year Linnaeus grant from the Swedish Research Council (2007-2016). The research grant is 75 million SEK.
”The Aage Sörensen Memorial Conference, Harvard – Oxford – Stockholm (HOS).” FAS 2006. SEK 30 000
”Har Muhammed och Sabina sämre chans att få jobb än Sven och Kerstin? En experimentell studie av etnisk diskriminering på den svenska arbetsmarknaden.” (Have Muhammed and Sabina less chance to get a job than Sven and Kerstin? An experimental study on ethnic discrimination in the Swedish labor market). FAS 2006-2007. SEK 1.950 000.
“Network grant: The Integration Conference”. FAS 2007-2009. SEK 468 450.
Documentation of the Database “Your Country and Your Life”. The Swedish Research Council (VR) 2008-2010. SEK 1 109 000.
Research Interests
The overall subject of my research is social stratification and inequality in the labor market. The main theme within this framework is how social structures in the labor market affect the opportunities and restrictions of individuals in their work. The types of structural contexts I have principally studied are characteristics of the work organization and the firm where the employee is employed, and the characteristics of the job or work position that the individual holds in the firm. In connection to this, I have studied matters, such as the relationship between occupational sex segregation and the gender wage gap; the impact of job shifts, between and within firms, on workers’ earnings progression, and how different welfare state arrangements affect women’s labor market outcomes. In recent years my research has primarily revolved about the situation of immigrants in the Swedish labor market.
Selected Publications
Welfare Policy and labour Markets. Transformations of the Japanese and Swedish Models for the 21st Century. 2004. Editor together with Naomi Maruo och Anders Björklund. Almqvist & Wiksell International.
”Kan diskriminering förklara skillnader i position på arbetsmarknaden mellan invandrare och infödda?” (Can discrimination explain the differentials in labour market position between immigrants and natives?) In J. Ekberg (ed.) Egenförsörjning eller bidragsförsörjning?. SOU 2004:21 (Together with Ryszard Szulkin and Jan Ekberg).
”Överutbildning eller kompetensbrist? Matchning på den svenska arbetsmarknaden 1974-2000.” (Over-education or skill shortage? Matching processes in the Swedish labour market 1974-2000) In M. Bygren, M. Gähler, M. Nermo (eds.), Familj och arbete – vardagsliv i förändring (Family and work – changes of everyday living). Stockholm: SNS Förlag. 2004 (Together with Ryszard Szulkin and Michael Tåhlin).
Women in Japan and Sweden - Work and Family in Two Welfare Regimes. 2004. Editor together with Toshiko Tsukaguchi-le Grand. Almqvist & Wiksell International.
”Har jobben blivit mer kvalificerade? Kvalifikationskravens förändringar i Sverige under tre decennier.” (Have the jobs become more qualified? Skill changes in Sweden during three decades) In K. Abrahamsson et al. (eds.) Utbildning, kompetens och arbete (Education, skill and work). Studentlitteratur 2002 (Together with Ryszard Szulkin and Michael Tåhlin).
“Job Mobility and Earnings Growth”, European Sociological Review. 2002. (Together with Michael Tåhlin)
“Permanent Disadvantage or Gradual Integration: Explaining the Immigrant – Native Earnings Gap in Sweden“. Labour, 2002 vol. 16:37-64. (Together with Ryszard Szulkin)
”Workers’ Identity with the Management and/or the Trade Union”. In A. Ishikawa, W. Moravski och V. Rus (eds.) The Rise of Double Commitment. Peter Lang Publ. 2000. (Together with Akihiro Ishikawa).
”Job Characteristics, Firm Resources and Unemployment Risks - An Analysis of the Swedish Recession 1991-1993”, IFAU – Office of Labour Market Policy Evaluation 2000:3.
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