Institution: Department of Sociology, National Taiwan University
Brief Self Introduction:
I received my B. A. from National Taiwan University in sociology and history. Then I worked in Taipei as a social-political journalist for 4 years. I earned my M.A. in sociology and ethnology from Göttingen University and I completed my Ph.D. degree in 1994 at Heidelberg University by Prof. Wolfgang Schluchter, a famous expert of Max Weber. I have taught sociological theories and sociology of religion at National Taiwan University for more than 16 years. Besides teaching I am also editor of “Journal of Social Theory” (in Chinese), standing board director of “Research Center for Social Theory” at Peking University and president of “Taiwan Association of Religious Studies” (TARS). My major fields include sociological theories (especially Max Weber), sociology of religion, sociology of law and sociology of Confucian ethics. Recently my empirical study focuses on the development of Confucian ethics and customary law in China and Taiwan in the age of globalization.
Main Publications:
1. Lin, Duan 1997: “Konfuzianische Ethik und Legitimation der Herrschaft im alten China. Eine Auseinandersetzung mit der vergleichenden Soziologie Max Webers” (Confucian Ethics and Legitimation of Domination in Ancient China. A Criticism of Max Weber’s Comparative Sociology, Berlin: Duncker & Humbolt)
2. Lin, Duan 2002: “Confucian Ethics and Legal Culture” (in Chinese, Beijing)
3. Lin, Duan 2003: “Max Weber on Chinese Traditional Law. A Criticism of His Comparative Sociology” (in Chinese, Taipei)
4. Lin, Duan 2011: “Max Weber, Ethics and Law” (in Chinese, Beijing, forthcoming).
5. Lin, Duan et al. 2011: “Traditional Confucian Culture and Modern Chinese Village” (in Chinese, Taipei, forthcoming)
Introduction of Overseas Partners’Institution
The Department of Sociology at National Taiwan University (NTU) is the top-ranking institute for sociological education and research in Taiwan. With a history that spans half a century, the Department is home to an internationally renowned scholarship that leads the country in producing analyses with a comparative, regional, and Taiwanese focus.
The work of the faculty is diverse both in terms of the substantive research areas and methodological approaches. The Department’s expertise in a variety of theories, methods, and empirical research is unparalleled in the Chinese-speaking world. The faculty are noted for their contributions to the fields of international migration, medical technology, welfare state, social movements, labour market, industry, education, political and economic development, consumption, gender studies, digital games, Confucian, Marxist and Weberian thought, folk religion, and East Asian middle classes.
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