Institution: Department of Asian and North African Studies
Brief Self Introduction:
• BA hons (4 years, M.A. equivalent) in Japanese Studies (Japanese Contemporary Religions: Aum Shinrikyo), Ca’ Foscari University of Venice 1996.
• MA in Sociology (Mass Communication Studies: “Sociology of Soreike! Anpanman”), Osaka University 1999.
• PhD credits completion in Sociology (Mass Communication Studies), Osaka University 2001.
• PhD in East Asian Studies (Japanese Language Education), Ca’ Foscari University of Venice 2007.
Research interests:
• Japanese Language Education (Japanese as Foreign Language)
• Contemporary Japanese Literature for Children and Young Adults
• Plurilingualism, Migration and the Web 2.0.
I am currently a Lecturer in Japanese Language Education at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
At present, I am developing a Hypermedia Dictionary of Japanese Grammar: BunpoHyDict (main research) and coordinating a Japanese-Italian quick database for pop-up and mobile dictionaries (Itadict, with Beghi & Mantelli). Since 2005, I am translator into Italian of Japanese Children Literature (e.g. Matsutani Miyoko) and of contemporary writers (e.g. Katayama Kyoichi, Ichikawa Takuji, Aoyama Nanae).
I am convinced that Foreign Language Teaching and Learning is not only about teaching/learning formal aspects of a language, but about how that language is used and felt by the learner to build up his/her own identity and social relations. That is, Foreign Language Learning is about how the learner locates him/herself in relation to what s/he is studying and the (concrete or virtual) society s/he is living in.
Since 2008, I am developing BunpoHyDict, an innovative hypermedial and multimedia web tool for the acquisition of Japanese grammar. The grammar items are ordered alphanumerically, explained case by case, linked each other, and related to audio-visual examples and quotations from real life settings in a multimedia environment.
Authentic excerpt from everyday-life, as well as from the nowadays most diffused Japanese media, help the learner “to discover real-multifaceted Japanese society and its language structures” (Mizutani 2010) and to further develop a sense of intimacy with the language s/he decided to approach to. At the same time, in BunpoHyDict, the alphanumerical order of the grammar items, allows the learner to stick to his/her own ‘identity building interests’ (e.g. attending an online chat, reading a newspaper) and to flexibly follow individual learning paths.
The central core of BunpoHyDict's developing process is the strategic role of pleasure, in its many forms, relating to Hosokawa Hideo’s view of learners’ autonomy (2007), the CEFR notion of Lifelong Learning and actual use of the so-called E-learning 2.0 in language acquisition.
Through our partnership with the “Kyoto University GCOE for Reconstruction of the Intimate and Public Spheres in 21st Century Asia”, I am looking forward to exchange findings and opinions with colleagues from all over the world about Foreign Language Learning as a key element in constructing the fluid identities and relations of the globally migrant “net-generation”.
Selected Publications:
Forthcoming (2012), Introduzione alla lingua giapponese (Introduction to Japanese), Carocci, Roma.
2011 “BunpoHyDict: a Hypermedia Dictionary of Japanese Grammar and its Development”, in AJE, The Association of Japanese Language Teachers in Europe - AJE International Symposium, University of Bucharest, Proceedings, pp.179-188.
2009 “ ‘Kangaeru tameno Nihongo’ to ‘Ko no bunka’ no seijitekina sekinin” (Political responsibility of 'Japanese for thinking' and 'the culture of the individual'), Revue Langue, Culture et Education, vol. 309-310, (online magazine: link).
2004 “Il percorso letterario di Matsutani Miyoko dal dopoguerra ai giorni nostri: dal dōwa al jidō bungaku (Matsutani Miyoko’s Literary Path from the Postwar Years till Today: from Dōwa to Jidō bungaku), XXVII AISTUGIA Proceedings, pp. 205-221.
1999 “Soreike! Anpanman no shakaigaku” (The Sociology of Soreike! Anpanman), Soshioroji, vol. 44, pp. 19-35.
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