Professor, Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University
2008 | Asia's New Mothers: Crafting Gender Roles and Childcare Networks in East and Southeast Asian Societies, (with Barbara Molony), Folkestone: Global Oriental. |
2007 | Ajia no Kazoku to Jendaa (Family and Gender in Asia), (with Yasuko Miyasaka and Mari Yamane), Tokyo: Keiso Shobo. |
2006 | (Editor) Tokugawa Nihon no Raifu Koosu: Rekishi Jinkōgaku to no Taiwa (The Life Course of Tokugawa Japan: Exchanges with Historical Demography), Kyoto: Minerva Shobo. |
2000 | Kindai Kazoku no Magarikado (The Turning Point of the Modern Family), Tokyo: Kadokawa Shoten. |
1994 | Nijū Isseiki Kazoku e: Kazoku no Sengo Taisei no Mikata, Koekata, Tokyo: Yuhikaku (Second edition: 1997, third edition: 2004; English translation: 1997, The Japanese Family System in Transition: A Sociological Analysis of Family Change in Postwar Japan, Tokyo: LTBC International Library Foundation; Korean translation: 2004 by Yangseowon) |
Member of RC Policy
Current research and aspirations for the GCOE program:
I have conducted theoretical and historical research on the formation and transformation of the modern family, as well as comparative studies on the traditional family in Asia and Europe, using the methods of historical demography. In the 2000s, I began to focus on a comparative sociological analysis of the changes surrounding family and gender in contemporary Asia.
My comparative studies on Asian families made me deeply aware of the fact that it is no longer possible to separate family studies from debates on the welfare state and international migration. For this reason, I hope the GCOE program will work as a wider environment where it is possible to combine all the several sociological fields, and promote a general reconstruction of family studies.
I also believe it is important to gather and translate the existing literature on the intimate sphere and on family studies in Asian regions, so that we can produce the intellectual common foundations for future research on Asian societies.
Activities related to the Global Center of Excellence for Reconstruction of the Intimate and Public Spheres in 21st Century Asia:
・Central Board member
・Steering Committee
・Reading and Editorial Committee
Research Projects:
・International comparison of pluralistic welfare systems
・Asian families and the intimate sphere (reading and editorial group study)
Publications of partial results from the GCOE program:
・Asia's New Mothers: Crafting Gender Roles and Childcare Networks in East and Southeast Asian Societies, (with Barbara Molony), Folkestone: Global Oriental, 2008.
・Center for Women Researchers, Kyoto University (ed.), Kyōto Daigaku, Danjo Kyōdō Sankaku e no Chōsen (Challenges for collaboration and participation among the male and female population of Kyoto University), Tokyo: Akashi Shoten, 2008.
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