Name: Francoise OLIVIER-UTARD
Institution: Faculty of Economics and Management, Strasbourg University
Brief Self Introduction
I am a historian involved in the study of science and technology history on the one hand, and in the social movement resulting from the evolution of labour and society organisation on the other hand. I am presently a professor at the Faculty of economics in Strasbourg University, and I belong to one of the French biggest research laboratories (BETA, University-CNRS) in the domain of knowledge based economy. I also work within the Social History Center (CNRS, Paris I).
I have close links with India (JNU University New-Delhi, Jaipur University), Afghanistan (Kabul University) and Uzbekistan. In 2000 the University Louis Pasteur of Strasbourg, later followed by a CNRS-JSPS program, granted me with special funding in order to settle a French-Japanese research group for comparative and multidisciplinary. Contacts were established and research programs were launched with Toyo University, Nagoya University and, recently, Kyoto University.
My participation in the COE will aim at analysing the evolution of women’s status at the work place in France as a teaching program, and at studying female participation in the technological and social movement in Asia as a research program.
I hope that my courses will provide the students with a comparative basis for their own researches, will help to criticise methodologies and will open new research perspectives. On my side, I expect to do field work and point out the national and specific features of women’s attitudes towards science, work and self development.
The research objectives will study women and power at the work place, and first question the factors of subordination : is the traditional frame available for women ?
The second fold will study the way women are organised at the work place (labour class and intellectuals involved in friendship, associations, unions) : what is shared, what is different between men and women ?
The third fold will examine the consequences of changes in the self development.
The methodology will be based on field work: interviews of women in industry, services, schools and research laboratories, in order to prepare a data base in different languages (local and English), on a comparison with foreign experiences, and on testing the relevance of the recent literature about the masculine/feminine based visions of individual development in relation with law and power.
Relevance to the GCOE will be achieved by pointing out how women deal with empowerment in the public sphere, by questioning traditional frames and guide lines, and by providing new tools for investigations in women’s practices.
Main Publications
Olivier-Utard F. : [2004] , « La retraite des cheminots ou comment la retraite est devenue une affaire de jeunes » in Alain Bihr et Naoko Tanasawa dir : Les rapports intergénérationnels en France et au Japon, Une comparaison internationale, L’Harmattan : « How pensions have become a major issue among the French Railway young workers», in Intergenerational relations in France and in Japan. A comparative perspective.
Olivier–Utard F [2006]: « A history of concepts in French Welfare system », in Hajime Imamura (éds.), France and Japan: the rise of occupational uncertainties in two societies with evolving employment and salary schemes in diverse economic organizations, Toyo University Press, Tokyo, 2006.
Olivier-Utard F (dir) : [2008] : Instits, profs et syndicats en Alsace, Contribution à l’histoire du syndicalisme de l’enseignement public dans l’académie de Strasbourg, introduction et : « De lai à laïcité : histoire de ruptures sémantiques », BF editions, mars 2008.
Olivier-Utard F. : [2008] : « Mondialisation et identité nationale » in La mondialisation en France et au Japon : identités nationales, genres, rapports salariaux, publication de l’Ecole doctorale de langues et cultures de l’Université de Nagoya, p. 25-40. « Globalisation and national identity in today France », in France and Japan facing globalisation : dynamics of national identities, gender and labour relations, Publications of Nagoya University.
Olivier–Utard F. [2005] : «L'université de Strasbourg : un double défi, face à l'Allemagne et face à la France», in La science sous influence, l’université de Strasbourg enjeu des conflits franco-allemands 1872–1945, E. Crawford et J. Olff-Nathan dir, La Nuée Bleue, p. 137-177. « The University of Strasbourg : a double challenge », in University under influence, Strasbourg 1872-1945.
Olivier-Utard F. [2008] : «Maurice Halbwachs . La sociologie au cœur des reconfigurations disciplinaires à l’Université de Strasbourg dans l’entre-deux-guerres », Revue des sciences sociales, 2008, n° 40, p. 74-81 : « Sociology as a core discipline in changing human sciences : Maurice Halbwachs at Strasbourg university 1919-1934 »
Introduction of Overseas Partners’ Institution
The University of Strasbourg has a multidisciplinary outlook and covers the full spectrum of knowledge: applied science, technological science, natural science, humanities and social science, literature and languages, arts, sports science, law, business and management, political science, education and communication studies.
• 42 000 students;
• 43 Research and Education Units, schools and institutes;
• 9 doctoral schools and 2,550 doctoral students;
• 48 Master’s Degrees;
• 26 general Bachelor’s Degrees and 34 work-oriented Bachelor’s Degrees;
• 86 research units, including 44 associated with national research organisations;
• a Maison des Sciences de l'Homme and a European Doctoral College;
• a Thematic Network of Advanced Research;
• member of the League of European Research Universities;
• some members of the Science Academy and the University Institute of France (IUF);
• a European specificity.
• An independent public university that can rely on its own resources. • A very strong European specificity based on research and educational power, strong bonds with a cross-border European environment, an intellectual, scientific and cultural European and Rhine heritage. • An international research developer that promotes original and innovative scientific policies. • A broad spectrum of teaching and training courses whose aim is giving students the best possible grounding for social and professional integration • A responsible independency assumed by developing a quality culture based on internal self-assessment, external, international expertise and a long-term goal planning. • Innovative partnerships with the local community and the industrial and socio-economic world. • Extend the cultural activities and the scientific and technical culture to the city. • Specific fundamental missions.
Educational offer
• Offering work-oriented and general Bachelor’s Degrees. • Promote student and lecturer’s mobility. • Make life-long learning process easier.
• Promote cross-disciplinary approach aiming at the highest quality. • Guarantee its support to those activities that are gaining momentum. • Give value to innovative projects and emerging teams.
Brief introduction of your institution, courses/guidance you could offer to foreign students, language(s) to use at classes, and URL (Website address).
French universities have equipped themselves with common binational institutions which facilitate international exchanges. The first structure of this type is the French-Japanese University Centre under the sponsorship of the universities in Alsace. This institution hosts, informs and supports researchers, teachers and students from the two countries in their activities.
Strasbourg University will provide foreign students with courses in English, access to libraries, accommodation at the Doctoral Studies Guest House.
Strasbourg University will provide foreign professors with one month invitations as guest professors (1 or 2/year ).
Website address : UdS
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