Institution: Institute of Sociology, Strasbourg University
Brief Self Introduction
I am profesor in sociology, director of the Institute of sociology of my university and member of the research unit (belonging to both ; university and CNRS – National Center of Scientific Research) : “Cultures and Societies in Europe”.
My research relates to the following topics : social inequalities in contemporary France, their dynamics and their cumulative dimension; inequalities between men and women studied by crossing gender relations and class relations; the articulation of various social relations : class, gender, generation, “race”;
My current academic interest is centered on three main questions :
Forms of precariousnesses and margins of liberty (I organized last week – 20 and 21 of november 2008 - a conference with 30 participants ; a book will be published 2009 or 2010)
Influence of public policies on work and family ; I will publish proximately an issue with international comparative research about that topic : Cahiers du genre, n° 46 « Travail/famille: "conciliation" ou conflit?», 2009 (Work and family : “conciliation” or conflict)
Gender and citizenship ; in september 2009 I will organize a conference in Paris (with 2 collegues) ; the publication is envisaged in a special issue of Cahiers du genre, 2010
All these questions has close relations with the GCOE program.
Main Publications
(2007), Inégalités et rapports sociaux. Rapports de classe, rapports de sexe, Paris, Editions La Dispute, Collection « Le genre du monde », 416 pages. (Inegalities and social relations. Class relations, gender relations) A spanish translation is in hand,
(2007) Métiers, identités professionnelles et genre, Paris, L’Harmattan, Collection « Logiques sociales », 254 pages (avec J.-Y, Causer, B., Woehl) (Professions, professional identities and gender)
(2006) L’autonomie des femmes en question. Antiféminisme et résistances en Amérique et en Europe, Paris, L’Harmattan, Collection « Bibliothèque du féminisme », 246 pages (avec J. Trat, D. Lamoureux). (Autonomy of women. Antifeminism and resistance in Europe and America)
(2002) Hommes-Femmes, quelle égalité ? Editions de l’Atelier, Paris, 352 pages (avec A. Bihr). (Men-Women. What egality ?)
(1999) Déchiffrer les inégalités, 2e éd., Syros - La Découverte, Paris, 420 pages (avec A. Bihr). (Read the inegalities).