Institution: Department of Sociology, Stockholm University
Brief Self Introduction:
Professor Jens Rydgren holds the Chair in Sociology at Stockholm University. He is also affiliated with the Stockholm University Linnaeus Center for Integration Studies (SULCIS).
Jens Rydgren is working within the fields of political sociology, ethnic relations, social networks, and sociological theory, and is currently involved in the following research projects:
1. Individual Life Chances in Social Context - A Longitudinal Multi-Methods Perspective on Social Constraints and Opportunities
This project is funded by an ERC Starting Grant and runs for five years (starting in 2011). The project focuses contextual factors explaining differences in young adults’ life chances in a longitudinal perspective. This is a synthetic approach to the study of life chances (education, labor market situation, health) that integrates traditional models with a fuller focus on contextual factors—neigborhoods and social networks in particular. A unique data set relating to social capital of a cohort of Swedish young adults (born in 1990) will be collected, which includes individuals with and without immigrant background (N=5600), in order to analyze the significance of social capital for individual life chances.
2.Ethnic conflict in Northern Iraq
This is a joint project together with Dana Sofi, funded by the Swedish Research Council. Using a combination of quantitative analysis of questionnaire data, qualitative analysis of interviews and field notes, and historic analysis, the project is in particular focusing on the importance of interethnic social capital (to what extent do cross-cutting ties prevail, how are they generated, and do they lead to increased trust and tolerance); the link between collective memory, trust, and ethnic conflict; and elite networks (how integrated are the elites in terms of ethnicity, religion, and social class, etc.).
3. Local Elites and Local Democracy
This is a joint project together with Christofer Edling and Gergei Farkas, funded by the Swedish Research Council, using network data to study the integration of political and economic elites in four Swedish municipalities, and the effects different elite network configurations have on efficiency and trust.
4. Radical Right-wing Populism in Western Europe
This project, which is funded by the Swedish Research Council, addresses two related questions: (1) Why do some voters other than others support radical right-wing parties? (2) Why does the electoral strength of radical right-wing parties vary so considerably across countries in Western Europe?
Selected Publications:
1. Edling, C. and Rydgren, J. eds., 2010, Sociological Insights of Great Thinkers: Sociology through Literature, Philosophy, and Science. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger.
2. Rydgren, J. "Beliefs," in Hedström, P. and Bearman, P. eds., 2009, The Oxford Handbook of Analytical Sociology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
3. Rydgren, J., 2008, "Immigration Sceptics, Xenophobes, or Racists? Radical Right-wing Voting in Six West European Countries." European Journal of Political Research 47:737-765.
4. Rydgren, J., 2007, "The Sociology of the Radical Right." Annual Review of Sociology 33: 241-262.
5. Rydgren, J., 2007, "The Power of the Past. A Contribution to a Cognitive Sociology of Ethnic Conflict." Sociological Theory 25(3): 225-244.
6. Rydgren, J., 2005, "Is Extreme Right-wing Populism Contagious? Explaining the Emergence of a New Party Family." European Journal of Political Research 44: 1-25.
7. Rydgren, J., 2004, "The Logic of Xenophobia." Rationality and Society 16(2): 123-148.
8. Rydgren, J., 2003, The Populist Challenge: Political Protest and Ethno-nationalist Mobilization in France. New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books.