Sophia Seung-Yoon LEE


2007.10- 2011.4 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Social Policy, University of Oxford, Department of Social Policy and Intervention.

2003.3-2006.8 Master Degree in Social Welfare Policy, Seoul National University, Department of Social Welfare. 

1999.3-2003.2 Bachelor degrees (dual): B.A in Social Welfare, B.A in English (Student of Honor), Ewha Women’s University.






2011. 5 - Current: GCOE Assistant Professor, Kyoto University

2010. 8 - Current: Article contributor (Global Correspondent), [Global Welfare Trend]: (an academic magazine published by Seoul City government)

2010. 9 - 2010.12: Teaching Assistant, Comparative Social Policy (Master Degree), Department of Social Policy and Intervention, University of Oxford. 

2010. 9 - 2010.12: Teaching, Social Policy (Undergraduate), Department of Social Policy and Intervention. University of Oxford. 

2010. 2: Research Assistant (RA), Department of Development Studies. Queen Elizabeth House, University of Oxford.

2009. 9 - 2009.12: Teaching Assistant, Comparative Social Policy (Master Degree), Department of Social Policy and Intervention, University of Oxford. 

2009. 3 - 2009.9: Research Assistant (RA), Center for Migration, Policy and Society, University of Oxford.

2009. 3 - 2010: Teaching, Social Policy (Undergraduate), Department of Social Policy and Intervention.University of Oxford. 

2007. 2 - 2007. 7:Researcher & Editor: National Commission of Human Rights (NHRC), Rep. Korea: International Relations Division

2006. 3 - 2006. 9: Short-term Consultant, International Organization for Migration (IOM), Office of Seoul.

2005. 8 - 2006. 3:Program Coordinator: Ministry of Finance and Economy, Rep. Korea. International Finance Bureau.



Lee, Sophia (2011) “The Evolution of Welfare Production Regimes in East Asia: A Comparative Study of Korea, Japan, and Taiwan”, The Korean Journal of Policy Studies, Vol. 26, No. 1.

Lee, Sophia (2011), “The Shift of Labour Market Risks in Deindustrializing Taiwan, Japan and Korea”, Perspectives on Global Development and Technology, Vol 10, No.3. 

Lee, Sophia (2011), “New Risk? Labour Market Risks in Deindustrializing Asian Economies: Taiwan, Japan and the Republic of Korea” in New Welfare States in East Asia: Global Challenges and Restructuring, Edited by Gyu-Jin Hwang. Cheltenham:Edward Elgar.

Lee, Sophia (2010): “The Shift of Labour Market Risks in Deindustrializing Asian Economies: Taiwan, Japan and the Republic of Korea”, Barnett Paper. Department of Social Policy and Intervention, University of Oxford.

Lee, Sophia (2009): Rethinking the New Risk Discussion. Risk Shifts in 18 Post-industrial Economies. Compasss Working Papers, WP2009-59.

Lee, Sophia (2008), A Critique of Fuzzy-set Method in Comparative Social Policy, Compasss Working Papers, WP2008-53.


Conference papers:

Lee, Sophia., “Evolution of Welfare Production regimes in East Asia”. East Asian Social Policy 7th Annual conference. 20th-22nd, August, 2010. Seoul, Korea.

Lee, Sophia “Varieties of Welfare Production Regimes in Deindustrializing Asian Economies: Taiwan, Japan and the Republic of Korea”, American Sociology Association Annual meeting, 14-17th August. 2010. Atlanta, USA.

Lee, Sophia., “Labour Market Risks in Deindustrializing Asian Economies: Taiwan, Japan and the Republic of Korea”, American Sociology Association Annual meeting, 14-17th August. 2010. Atlanta, USA.

Lee, Sophia.,“The Shift of Labour Market Risks in Deindustrializing Asian Economies: Taiwan, Japan and the Republic of Korea”. SASE 22nd Annual Conference, 24-26th of June 2010. Philadelphia, USA.

Lee, Sophia., “Welfare Production Regimes in Deindustrialising East Asian Economies”, 2nd Graduate Student Workshop on Transnational Capitalism. Budapest, Central European University, 27-28 May, 2010.

Lee, Sophia., “The Risk Shift in Post-industrial Economies: Rethinking “New Risk” by a Comparative Study on Social Risks in 18 post-industrial countries”, 7th Annual ESPAnet Conference 2009 Paper. Ulbino, Italy.

Lee, Sophia., "A Critique of Fuzzy-set Method in Comparative Social Policy", SASE’s 21st International Conference, July 16-18, 2009. Paris, France.

Lee, Sophia., "The Risk Shift in Post-industrial OECD Economies", SASE’s 21st International Conference, July 16-18, 2009. Paris, France.

Lee, Sophia., "The Risk Shift in Rep. of Korea and Japan", East Asian Social Policy 6th International Conference, July3-4, 2009. Sheffield, UK.

Lee, Sophia., "A Critique of Fuzzy-set Method in Comparative Social Policy". International Conference of the Korean Academy of Social Welfare. April 24-25, 2009. Seoul, Korea.



Outstanding Paper by Graduate Student Award, Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE). 2010. 8. [Lee, Sophia (2010), “The Shift of Labour Market Risks in Deindustrializing Asian Economies: Taiwan, Japan and the Republic of Korea”].

Barnett Prize (Best paper of the year award), Department of Social Policy and Intervention. University of Oxford. 2010.8. [Lee, Sophia (2010), “Evolution of Welfare Production regimes in East Asia”].


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