Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University
Personal HP:
Curriculum Vitae:
1989 | Ph.D. in anthropology: research of ethnicity (people of Japanese descent in the USA) at Department of Anthropology, University of Washington. | |
1990 | Lecturer at the Asian American Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara. | |
1990-1999 | Tsukuba University. | |
1999~ | Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University. | |
1990~ | Affiliate professor at the University of Washington. Specialties: cultural anthropology, sociology, American studies. Main research fields: race, ethnicity, migration. |
Main scholarly achievements:
1. 1994, The transformation of Japanese American ethnicity: the effects of internment and redress (in Japanese), Tokyo University.
2. 1995, Breaking the Silence: Redress and Japanese American Ethnicity, Cornell University Press.
3. 2003, “Race and the American anthropology” (in Japanese) in Ayabe Tsuneo (ed.) The Frontier of Cultural Anthropology, Minerwa, pp. 3-30.
4. 2002 “Nikkeijin and “Multicultural Coexistence” in Japan: Kobe after the Great Earthquake” in New Worlds, New Lives: Globalization and People of Japanese Descent in the Americas and from Latin America in Japan, Lane Ryo Hirabayashi, ed., Stanford University Press, 310-330.
5. 2005, “The dilemma of identity politics: The USA today” (in Japanese) in Kajita Takamichi (ed.) Transnational global, Nagoya University, pp.220-237.
6. 2005, “Transcending the Western Paradigm of the Idea of Race” in The Japanese Journal of American Studies, No. 16: 5-30.
7. 2007, “’Partnership towards a Tabunka Kyōsei’society: The development of the cooperation between self-governing bodies and NGOs in Hyōgo Prefecture” (in Japanese) in The modernity of ‘watched people’, Osaka: Buraku Liberation and Human Rights Research Institute.
8. 2008, ‘Tabunka Kyōsei’ and Community-Rebuilding After the Kobe Earthquake’, In Multiculturalism in the New Japan: Crossing the Boundaries Within Japan, Ertl, John and Kenji Tierney eds., Berghahn Books.
Edited books:
9. 2005, Takezawa Yasuko (ed.), Is race a universal idea? : Transcending the Western paradigm (in Japanese), Jinbun shoin.
10. 2009, The representation of race and social reality, Iwanabe shoten.
Research Subject and Research Plan for the GCOE Program:
At present, I am a representative of an international joint research program concerning the representation of race and social reality. Besides, , as a single researcher, I am also investigating the identity and self-expression of Asian American artists through interviews, as well as, the issue of multi-cultural co-existence in Kobe. My specialty is race and ethnicity, as well as, migration. Main research areas are the USA and Japan. As to the present GCOE program, I intend to make contributions to the research field of Asian migrants.
September 2006 Science Council of Japan, Area Studies, Anthropology Section (manager)
January 2009 Science Council of Japan, Area Studies, Multi-Cultural Co-Existence Section (vice chairperson)
September 2006 Science Council of Japan, Area Studies, Physical Anthropology Section
1996-1999 Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology (Science Council of Japan Survey Committee member)
The Japanese Association for American Studies (board member: 2004?/ conference member: 2002?/ associate editor of The Japanese Journal of American Studies: 2000?2004)
The Japanese Association for Migration Studies (promotion committee member: 2000?;editing committee member: 1996-98)
Research Project:
1998-2001 | Participant Researcher at the International Nikkei Research Project (Japanese American National Museum) | |
2005-2006 | Researcher at the program of Race and Science (Harvard University) | |
2001-2004 | Research representative of the International Basic Research concerning the Concept of Race and Existence at the JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research B2 | |
2006-2010 | Research representative of the ‘Interdisciplinary Study of Representation and Expression of Race’ (JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research A) | |
2006-2008 | Research representative of the ‘Multicultural Cohesive Society’ Program (The Hyōgo Earthquake Commemoration 21st Century Research Organization) | |
2009-2010 | Research representative of the ‘Representation of Race and Ethnicity in Japan from a Global Perspective’ Program |
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