Name:TSENG Yen-Fen
Institution: Department of Sociology at National Taiwan University
Brief Self Introduction
I am a sociologist from Taiwan and have been researching on international migration for almost two decades. I started my research career by studying Chinese immigrants in Los Angeles for my dissertation. Later, I have explored the capital-linked migration encouraged by what I termed ‘commoditization’ of immigration visas offered by various immigration schemes to compete for potential immigrants with capital. In recent years, I have been researching about immigration issues in Taiwan, mostly about foreign workers policy in comparative frameworks. I have also started a new project investigating middle-class migration from Taiwan to major Chinese cities such as Shanghai.
Main Publications
Zhou, Min,Yen-Fen Tseng, and Rebecca Kim. Forthcoming. “Rethinking Residential Assimilation through the Case of the Chinese Ethnoburb in San Gabriel Valley, California”, Amerasia Journal.
Tseng, Yen-Fen and Hong-Zen Wang. Forthcoming. "Governing Migrant Workers at a Distance: Managing the Temporary Status of Guestworkers in Taiwan.” International Migration.
Tseng, Yen-Fen. Forthcoming. “Cross-Border Marriage Migration in East Asia: Propositions in Making Comparisons”, in Cross-border Marriage Migration in East and Southeast Asia: Socio-demographic Patterns and Issues edited by International Institute of Asian Studies, Amsterdam University Press.
Tseng, Yen-Fen. 2005. "Permanently Temporary: Taiwanese business nomads as reluctant migrants", in Asian Migrations: Sojourning, Displacement, Homecoming and other Travels, Singapore: National University of Singapore
Tseng, Yen-Fen. 2004. “Politics of Importing Foreigners: Taiwan’s Foreign Labor Policy” Chapter 7, Pp. 101-120 in Migration Between States and Markets, edited by Han Entzinger, Marco Martiniello, and Catherine Wihtol de Wenden et al. Ashgate Publishers.
Introduction of Overseas Partners’ Institution
Department of Sociology at National Taiwan University is one of the oldest sociology institutes in Taiwan and the largest with regard to its faculty and student size. The department has three divisions in its education: undergraduate level, mater program and Ph.D. program. The department has the capacity to offer courses in both mainstream as well as emergent fields reflecting the great diversity of the faculty specialties. Faculty research interests include economic sociology, science and technology, gender, organization, stratification, international migration, online society, social movement, political sociology, pop culture etc. Many faculty members are collaborating with scholars in international community, most prominently with scholars from East Asia. These international collaboration projects include stratification, international migration, science and technology, pop culture, and demography. Besides research, the department is well known for its persistent influence on policy-making, media, and public education. The department publishes a very prestigious journal, Taiwanese Sociology, jointly with Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica. The department has hosted foreign students from Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Austria, U.S., France, and Poland.
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