Kaoru Aoyama

   Assistant Professor for Kyoto University GCOE Program 'Reconstructing the Intimate and Public Spheres in Asia'
Brief Research History:
   After obtaining MA in Gender and International Development in 1995 from University of Warwick, UK, I worked for an civic networking organization as a coordinator for four years. Then I went back to postgraduate study in 2001, and registered at Graduate School of Sociology, Essex University, UK, until 2004, during which I also conducted 10-month fieldwork in Thailand as an overseas researcher of the nation's Research Council. I was awarded PhD in Sociology in 2005, worked as a COE research fellow for Tohoku University 'Gender Law and Policy Center', and as a part-time lecturer for School of Area and Cultural Studies at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies from 2006 to 2008 before joining this GCOE in October 2008.


Main Publications:
   ‘Migrant Women in Japan’s Sex Industry’, 2009 (forthcoming in May) in Fujimura-Fanselow ed. Japanese Women: New Feminist Perspectives on the Past, Present, and Future, Second Edition, New York, The Feminist Press at The City University of New York
Thai Migrant Sexworkers from Modernisation to Globalisation, 2009,
Hampshire, Palgrave/Macmillan
‘Report on Countermeasures against Human Trafficking and Support for Its Victims’(co-author) 2007 in Report on Issues of Human Trafficking and Japanese International Contribution, Saitama, National Women’s Education Centre (NWEC) Japan
‘Beyond the Fixed Identification of “Victims” or “Criminals”: the Debate, the Activism and the Policies over Trafficked Women in Japan’, 2007 in Tsujimura and Yano eds., Gender and Law in Japan, Sendai, Tohoku University Press
‘Thai Migrant Sex Workers and the Ambivalence of Modernity’, 2005, in Graduate Journal of Sociology, February, No.5, Colchester, Department of Sociology, University of Essex

(In Japanese)
‘"Bai-sekushuaru de aru" to iu koto' (What it Means by “Being a Bi-sexual”) , 2008, in Kanai ed. Shintai to aidentitii toraburu (Troubles of Body and Identity), Tokyo, Akashi Shoten
‘Sekkusu waaku: nibun-hou wo koeru hitsuyou’(Sex Work: the Necessity to Go beyond Dichotomy), 2008, in FGENS, Koukai kenkyu kai kiroku‘Sekkusu waaku ron no saikentou’ (The Record of Open Seminar on‘Re-evaluating Theories of Sex Work'), Tokyo, Ochanomizu University
“Sekkusu waakaa” to wa dare ka: ijuu, sei-roudou, jinshin torihiki no keiken to kouzou (Who is a “Sex Worker?” : Experience and Structure of Migration, Sexual Labour and Trafficking), 2007, Tokyo, Otsuki Shoten ‘“Sekkusu waakaa” to “sei dorei” no hazama de kurasu “futsuu no” onna-tachi’ (‘Ordinary’ Women Living between ‘Sex Workers’ and ‘Sexual Slaves’), 2006, in Josei-gaku, Vol. 13
‘Shinmitsu “ken” e no go shotai: nichijou no katari wo tsumikasanete chigai wo mitomeru shakai kuukan wo tsukuridasu katei’ (An Invitation to ‘Intimate Citizenship’: Accumulating Dialogues as a Process to Create a Social Space for Recognising Differences), 2003, in Sinmitsuken no Poritikusu (Politics of the Intimate Sphere), Tokyo, Nakanishiya Publications
Research Group:
Current Interest and Hope for GCOE:
   My research interest is in the following areas in sociology: correlation between gender and sexuality, social inclusion/exclusion,sexwork and human trafficking, Structuration Theory, and Symbolic Interactionism. Aiming for networking with academics and social activists who are keen on blurring boundaries which go beyond public and private spheres of our lives, such as national or gender/sex borders, I am currently engaged in research on migrant sexworkers in Japan. My grander goal is to constitute theoretically and methodologically fair social research which would leave some gain to those who are researched. But more concretely, I am now looking into the link between sexwork, care-work and international marriage migration.
Activities in the GCOE Program
  (1) Roles and/or Committees
    Committee member of Next-Generation Global Workshop, Auxiliary Editor of Journal of the Intimate and Public Spheres, and other work related to English publications and correspondence
  (2) Research Project

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