GCOE Associate professor, Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University
I turned my main research subject from Rural Studies to Immigration Research, while still a student at Graduate School of Economics, Ryukoku University.
Later, I held the following research positions: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Special Research PD, Special researcher of the Research Institute of Recruit Works Corp., Special fellow of Sasakawa Peace Foundation, until obtaining the present position (since October 16th, 2008). Ph.D. in Economics.
Main Academic Contributions
“Nursing and Health Care by Running Foreign Human Resources: the dialogue between Health care Human Resources providing and receiving countries”, written and compiled by WAKO ASATO and Noriko Maekawa, published by the Sasakawa Peace Foundation, 2009.
“The formation of the International Health Care Labor Market: systemic and structural factor perspectives”, in “Gender History Annals, 6th volume ‛Economy and Consumption Society’”, pp. 236-258, 2009.
WAKO ASATO “‛Familialization Policies’ in East Asia and Foreign Domestic Workers” in “Welfare Sociology Research” Magazine, No.6, pp. 10-25, 2009
WAKO ASATO “International Migrations caused by Health Care Securization: Are migrants part of the diversity?” in “Contemporary Thought” Magazine, pp. 91-105, 2009
WAKO ASATO “Housekeeping and Health Care Workers in East Asia”, in “The Indonesian Society in Japan”, compiled by Mika Okushima, pp. 270-288, 2009
WAKO ASATO “Migrant workers and marriage immigrants unified as ‘Health Care Workers’: the case of Taiwan”, published in “Intercultural Communication Research”, edited by the Research Institute on Intercultural Communication, Kanda University of Foreign Studies, Volume 19, pp. 43 to 47, 2008.
WAKO ASATO and Ikuko Nakae, Chapter “Singapore”, within “Research into the actual conditions of the utilization of Foreign Human Resources in the Asian Nations”, compiled by Tokyo Kaijo-Nichido Risk Consulting Corporation and published by the Industrial Human Resources Policy Counselor Department, Economic Industrial Policy Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan, 2008.
WAKO ASATO “People Mobility Internationalization and Women’s Health Problems: from the cases of Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore”, in “Gender White Papers”, Book 6, edited by the Kitakyushu City Municipal Gender Equality Center “Move” and published by Asahi Shoten Publishing Company, 2008.
WAKO ASATO “Actual Conditions of foreign workers employed in Facility Health Care: Based on employer evaluations”, in “Works Review”, Vol.2, pp. 132-145, published by Recruit Works Corporation Research Institute, 2007.
WAKO ASATO and Yukifumi Makita “Chapter 5: Health Care labor Market and Ethnicity: the case of the State of California, United States of America”, in “International mobility of Hearth Care and Domestic Workers: the intersection of Ethnicity, Gender and Health Care Workers”, edited (and also conjointly written) by Yoshiko Kuba and published by Nihon Hyoronsha Publishing Company, 2007.
WAKO ASATO “Chapter 2: The Japan-Philippines Economic Cooperation Treaty and the reception of Foreign Nurses and Health Care workers”, in “International mobility of Hearth Care and Domestic Workers: the intersection of Ethnicity, Gender and Health Care Workers”, edited (and also conjointly written) by Yoshiko Kuba and published by Nihon Hyoronsha Publishing Company, pp. 27 to 50, 2007.
WAKO ASATO (2008) “The Formation of East Asian Community and Migration of Healthcare Workers” in “Transnational Care Workers, State Policies & Gender Dynamics in Ageing Societies: A Comparative Study of Singapore and Japan”, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Bilateral Joint Projects FY 2006-2007, JSPS-National University of Singapore Joint Research Project.
WAKO ASATO (2004) “Negotiating Spaces in the Labor Market: Foreign and Local Domestic Workers in Hong Kong”, Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, Vol.13, No2, pp255-274: Manila.
WAKO ASATO (2003) "Organizing for Empowerment: Experiences of Filipino Domestic Workers in Hong Kong" M. Tsuda, and P. G. Stella (editors) in “Filipino Diaspora: Social Network, Empowerment, and Cultures”, pp41-66, Quezon City: Philippines Migration Research Network and Philippine Social Science Council.
Present Research Subject and Aspirations toward the GCOE:
I have a great interest in the international comparison of Immigration policies, in population composition and international mobility, in welfare regimes and Social Assimilation of immigrants.
Since I am greatly engaged in the International Symposia project team of the GCOE, I would like to create the conditions for active discussion and in particular help young researchers, including graduate students, to be able to fully display their academic strength at international academic meetings in the future.
Activities within the GCOE
1)Member of GCOE Steering Committee, member of Central Board
2) Research Project
3) Detailed Exposition of Academic Accomplishment Announcements related to the GCOE
(List of accomplishment publications, oral reports, etc.)
Publication of Academic Accomplishments
“Nursing and Health Care by Running Foreign Human Resources: the dialogue between Health care Human Resources providing and receiving countries”, written and compiled by WAKO ASATO and Noriko Maekawa, published by the Sasakawa Peace Foundation, 2009.
“The formation of the International Health Care Labor Market: systemic and structural factor perspectives”, in “Gender History Annals, 6th volume ‛Economy and Consumption Society’”, pp. 236-258, 2009.
WAKO ASATO “‛Familialization Policies’ in East Asia and Foreign Domestic Workers” in “Welfare Sociology Research” Magazine, No.6, pp. 10-25, 2009
WAKO ASATO “International Migrations caused by Health Care Securization: Are migrants part of the diversity?” in “Contemporary Thought” Magazine, pp. 91-105, 2009
WAKO ASATO “Housekeeping and Health Care Workers in East Asia”, in “The Indonesian Society in Japan”, compiled by Mika Okushima, pp. 270-288, 2009
WAKO ASATO “The original condition s of Health Care Workers in Developed Nations”, in “The Work in the World”, Japan-ILO Association, pages 12 to 20, 2008.
Oral Presentations and Reports:
June 2009 | (as invited panelist) Exposition about “The Globalization of Nurse and Health Care and the position of Japan: Is it possible a reciprocal reception of Human Resources?” at the “International Migration and Global Union Symposium, conjointly organized by the International Public Servants Federation and the Union Network International, on June 25th. |
June 2009 | (as invited panelist) Exposition “The Internationalization of Health Care and Japan: From the perspective of Indonesian Health Care workers”, within the Asahi Newspaper-University Partner Symposium “Who Cares: Who will take care of us? The present conditions of Health Care”, held at Ryukoku University on June 20, 2009. |
June 2009 | (as invited panelist) Exposition “The Globalization of Health Care and an international comparison on Reception systems”, within the Panel Discussion on “How will be the Reception of Change Realities of the medical care welfare, local Society, Japanese Society and Japanese Language (Education), held at Aichi Gakuin University, on June 13th. |
May 2009 | (as invited panelist) Panel-Oral presentation at the 60th Annual Symposium of the Kansai Sociological Society: “The subsumption and exclusion aporia: the Ethnic Identity in the Multicultural Condition”, held at Kyoto University on May 24th. |
March 2009 | SECOND PHILIPPINE-JAPAN CONFERENCE ON MIGRATION “The Migration of Filipino Care workers to Japan Under JPEPA: Learning from the Indonesian Experience and Initial Responses of the Philippine Society”, Faculty of Medical Policies of the University of the Philippines, Afrasia Peace Center of Ryukoku University (held in Manila), “The Migration of Nurses and Care workers from Indonesia to Japan under EPA: The Sending Country Perspective”. |
March 2009 | (as invited panelist) Exposition on “The actual conditions and issues of the Reception of Foreign Nurses and Health Care Workers”, in the 6th plenary of the “Foreign Workers Problem Committee” of the Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry. |
March 2009 | Exposition about “Demographic Change and Migration” at the Faculty of Nursing of the Universitas Gadjah Mada” (Yogyakarta, Indonesia) |
January 2009 | Exposition on “Nursing and Health care Globalization points at issue”, within the Sasakawa peace Foundation workshop on “Nursing and Health Care by Running Foreign Human Resources: the dialogue between Health Care Human Resources providing and receiving countries”, held in Tokyo |
January 2009 | Exposition on “Rethinking the Feminization of the International Mobility of People”, within the Open Symposium “Where do Asia Women Go”, organized by the International Japan Culture Research center. |
November 2008 | Exposition on “subsumed foreign health care workers: the international mobility of housekeeping, health care and nursing”, at the symposium on “the welfare states and Ethnicity in the Globalization: Globalization of Health Care and Social Security?”, organized by the Graduate School of Law of Hokkaido University. |
October 2008 | “Familialization of Care and Transnational Migration in East Asia” within the “Global COE Kickoff Symposium: Towards Reconstruction of the Intimate and Public Spheres in 21st Century Asia”(Kyoto University) |
September 2008 | “Familialization of Care and International Migration in East Asia” within the Workshop on Human Security and Migration: Southern Africa and Japan in Comparative Perspective (University of Pretoria, South Africa) |
Other (Newspaper articles, etc.)
June 2009 | “Nurses, Health Care Workers and Helpers arrive in Japan from the Philippines”, “Oruta” Magazine, May-June bimonthly edition, page 59. |
June 2009 | “The globalization of Health Care and International Comparisons on Reception systems”, Japanese Language Education Society, 3rd, Research Report, pp. 71-74, June 13th. |
July 2009 | “The human rights problems of foreign health care workers”, Kyoto People’s News, July Edition, page 5. |
April 2009 | “Human Rights Travelogue: Thailand”, in “GLOBE”, magazine edited by the World Human Rights Problem Research Center, Spring 2009 Edition, pp. 28-29. |
April 200 | (Interview Article) “In order to make a successful reception of Foreign Nurses and Helath Care workers”, in “JICE” Magazine No.65, Japan International Cooperation Center, page 1. |
March 2009 | “The apprenticeship of Indonesian Health Care workers, started at different points in the country: the education put in the work place”, published in “Weekly Economist”, March 10th. |
March 2009 | (Article requested by Newspaper) “Suggestions frankly spoken: the perspectives of ‘equality’ for Indonesian nurses and auxiliary health care assistants”, published by the Shinano Mainichi Newspaper, on March 24th. |
February 2009 | (comment) “The Eyes of the Reporter: Foreign Health Care workers in Aging Japan”, Mainichi Newspaper of February 10th. |
February 2009 | (comment) “Indonesian Health Care Welfare specialist/nurses: Health Care workplace Care Open Country beginning stages”, Mainichi Newspaper Kansai Edition, February 6th. |
January 2009 | (comment) “Good Morning Saturday” (Fuji Television), broadcast on January 30th. |
January 2009 | “Human Rights Travelogue: Singapore”, in “GLOBE”, magazine edited by the World Human Rights Problem Research Center, Winter 2009 Edition, pp. 28-29 |
January 2009 | (comment) “The beginning of the apprenticeship of Indonesian Health Care workers ”, Keizai Shimbun Newspaper, January 29th. |
January 2009 | (comment) “Hokkaido can change the tides of Globalization”, Hokkaido Newspaper, January 1st. |
December 2008 | (comment) “In the front line of a Health Care Open Country: Taiwan/ overcoming the barrier of the language”, Mainichi Newspaper, December 16th. |
November 2008 | (Interview Article) “The Initial Year of the Health Care Open Nation: the background and issues of its introduction”, “Oruta” Magazine, November-December Edition, pages 20-23 |
November 2008 | (comment) “Health Care Open Country: Indonesian Health Care providers: the preoccupation is the life after the apprenticeship”, Mainichi Newspaper, November 19th. |
November 2008 | (comment) “Japan's Burdened Care Sector Looks Outwards for Help”, Time web edition, http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1860499,00.html |
October 2008 | “The recognition of the Indonesian side: what could be learnt from a local survey”, in “Monthly Welfare”, October Edition, pp. 42-45. |
September 2008 | (comment) “Indonesian Nurses and Health Care assistants: Challenging the burden expectation qualifications after one month from arrival into Japan”, Keizai Shimbun Newspaper, September 17th. Edition. |
July 2008 | “Human Rights Travelogue: Taiwan” (written by Wako Azato), in “GLOBE”, magazine edited by the World Human Rights Problem Research Center, Summer 2008 Edition. |
July 2008 | (comment) “Open Country: Health Care Working Place; Before arriving into Japan, dealing with Complaints in their mother tongue”, Yomiuri Newspaper, July 3rd edition. |