Organization: Graduate School of Letters

Status: Research Fellow

Educational History:
2008/March, Master of Economic Studies, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
2011/March, Doctor of Economic Studies, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan

Professional Experience:

Research Interests:
1. Relationship between employment adjustment and shareholder structure in Japanese Firms
2. Management of working hour in Japanese Firms

Main Publications (in Japanese):
Fukuda, J. [2008] “Gaikokujin Kabunushi to Nihon Kigyou no Juugyouinsuu no Sougo Kankei no Jissho Bunseki,” Keizai Ronsou, Vol. 182, No. 4.
Fukuda, J. [2009] “Nihon Kigyou no Koporeto Gabanansu to Baishuu Bouei Saku: Kinyuu Kikan no Seikaku Henka wo Fumaeta Jisshou Bunseki,” Keizai Ronsou, Vol. 183, No. 4.
Fukuda, J. and N. Hisamoto, [2012] “The Effect of Living in Proximity vs. Living Together to Mothers of Parenting Couples on Women’s Employment,” Social Policy and Labor Studies, Vol.4, No.1

Fukuda, J. [2012]  Koporeto Gabanansu no Shinka to Nippon Keizai, Kyoto University Press 

Research Group:

Research Interests in Global COE:
Activities in Global COE:
1. Research Projects:

2 Publications and Presentations:
  (1) Publications

       "Shareholder Structure and Dividend Rate in Japanese Firms:  Analysis Using Panel Data, Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University Project Center Discussion Paper Series, E-11-003, June, 2011年

  (2) Presentations
“Working hours and discretionary work in Japan,” ISA RC06-CFR Kyoto Seminar 2011 on Reconstruction of Intimate and Public Spheres in a Global Perspective, Kyoto University, September 12, 2011(poster )

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