Sachiko Kaneto

Research Fellow, Global Center of Excellence for Reconstruction of the Intimate and Public Spheres in 21st Century Asia, Kyoto University

She completed her doctoral course in the Department of Advanced Social and International Studies, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, at the University of Tokyo. In 2006, she was a visiting scholar in the Institute of Ethnology at the Academia Sinica (Taiwan), with the support of the Interchange Association, Japan (AIJ). She was also a visiting fellow in the Centre for East Asian Studies at the University of Bristol (UK) from 2007 to 2008. She has been a fellow in the Center for Multilingual-Multicultural Education and Research at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies since 2008. She assumed her current position in April of f2009.

Relevant qualifications:
Certificate of Specialist in Social Research

Recipient of the 23rd Pacific Basin Academic Grant of the Masayoshi Ohira Memorial Foundation

Research interests:
International sociology, comparative sociology, Taiwanese studies, Okinawa studies, and area studies related to East Asia

Current research projects:

・ Gender, work and migration in Taiwan.
・ The dynamism and transformation of Japanese communities in East Asia, with a focus on Taiwan, Hong Kong and Shanghai.
・ Modern and Contemporary Okinawa (the Yaeyama Islands in particular) seen through the phenomenon of migration, and its relations to Taiwan

Main publications:

1. “Jendaa shiten kara no ‘kokka’ saihen: Taiwan ni okeru ‘Ryōsei Kōsaku Byōdōhō’ seiritsu no haikei to yōin ni kansuru kōsatsu o jirei toshite” (The reorganization of the ‘state’ from a gender perspective: a case study of the context and the factors behind the establishment of the ‘Gender Equality in Employment Act’ in Taiwan), Ajia Josei Kenkyū, No. 14, 2005: 44-53.

2. “Taiwan no ‘Ryōsei Kōsaku Byōdōhō’ seiritsu katei ni kansuru kokusai shakaigaku-teki kōsatsu: tayōka shakai kensetsu ni muketa kokka senryaku toshite no jendaa shuryūka o megutte” (A study of the establishment of Taiwan’s ‘Gender Equality in Employment Act’ as a subject of international sociology: gender mainstreaming as a state strategy aimed at building a diverse society), Nihon Taiwan Gakkai-hō, No. 7, 2005: 17-43.

3. Book review of John Chuan-Tiong Lim (2005) Identity Politics in ‘Peripheral’ Asia: Okinawa, Taiwan and Hong Kong (in Japanese), Ajia Kenkyū, Vol. 51, No. 4, 2005: 83-87.

4. Book Review Hiroko Sakamoto (2004) A Mythology of Chinese Nationalism: Race, Body and Gender (in Japanese), China Information: A Journal on Contemporary China Studies Vol. 20, No. 1, 2006: 135-137.

5. In Chinese

6. In Chinese

7. “Jinkō to kazoku hen’yō kara mietekuru Taiwan no kōreisha mondai” (The problem of senior citizens in Taiwan in light of the changes in the population and the family), Kaigai Shakai Hoken Kenkyū, No. 157, 2006: 71-79.

8. “1930 nen zengo no Yaeyama josei no shokuminchi Taiwan e no idō o unagashita yōin: Taiwan ni okeru shokuminchi-teki kindai to josei no shokugyō no kakudai o megutte” (The pull factors of the self-active movement of Yaeyama women to colonial Taiwan around 1930: colonial modernity and the expansion of occupational fields for women in Taiwan), Imin Kenkyū, No. 3, 2007: 1-26.

9. “Gendai Taiwan ni okeru Nihonjin no dōtai to sono aratana tenkai: Taiwan de kyaria kōchiku o mezasu ekkyō dōki no bunseki o chūshin toshite” (The dynamics and the new trends of Japanese in modern Taiwan: an analysis focused on the cross-border motives oriented toward the pursuit of self-active careers in Taiwan), Gendai Taiwan Kenkyū, No. 32, 2007: 20-45.

10. “Taiwan no ‘shin-imin’ mondai ni kansuru kokusai shakaigaku-teki kenkyū” (A study on the problem of Taiwan’s ‘new immigrants’ from an international sociology perspective), paper funded by the 11th Kobayashi Fellowship Program of the Setsutaro Kobayashi Memorial Fund, Fuji Xerox Company, 2008.

11. “1930 nendai ikō no Taiwan ni okeru shokuminchi-teki kindai josei no shokugyō no kakudai: Yaeyama josei no shokugyō idō o tsūjita shutai keisei o unagashita puru yōin to no kanrei o chūshin ni” (The expansion of colonial modernity and women’s occupations in Taiwan since the 1930s: the formation of social identity through occupational mobility among Yaeyama women), Jendaa Kenkyū, no. 11. 2008: 171-195.

12. “Gendai Taiwan ni okeru tabunka shakai no keisei to ‘shin-imin’ mondai” (The formation of a multicultural society in contemporary Taiwan and the problem of the ‘new immigrants’), in Takeshi Nagano (ed.), Chainiizunesu to toransunashonaru aidenteitei, Tokyo: Akashi Shoten, 2009.


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