Assistant professor, GCOE Program for Reconstruction of the Intimate and Public spheres in 21st century Asia, Kyoto University
Academic Degree: Ph.D. (Human Sciences), Osaka University.
Curriculum Vitae:
While I was an assistant professor at the same Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University after taking PhD, I carried out field research in the suburban areas of Paris and Toulouse. Starting 2005, I joined as a research fellow l'École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) and also of Research Group on les Inégalités Sociales (ERIS) of Centre Maurice Halbwachs. In France I participated in the international comparative research project on health, inequality, and social exclusion (SIRS) in ERIS. I was carrying out a comparative analysis between European cities and Tokyo, using segregation indices. The time I was in France a riot took place. I encountered with some student demonstration opposing against the reforms in the employment institution.
I took up the present position at the GCOE Program for Reconstruction of the Intimate and Public spheres in 21st century Asia, Kyoto University in 2008.
Main scholarly achievements:
2008 | “Social treatment of the suburban areas in big cities in France: The aspects of contemporary poverty in France” in Gendai shakai no koso to bunseki 6 | |
2008 | “The reconstruction of the French welfare state, and city policy: A comparative sociological attempt to contemporary poverty” in Toshi seisaku kenkyu 2 | |
2006 | “Riot in a French suburban area and young people’s rebellion” in Buraku kaiho kenkyu 171 |
2009 (forthcoming) Serge Paugam (ed.) Exclusion: Etats des savoirs, (Syakaitekihaihyo; Gakusaitekikenkyu) Showado.
2005 Ulrich Beck, Was ist Globalisierung?, (Globaruka no Syakaigaku) Kokubunsha.
Research Subject for the GCOE Program:
・Research field: comparative sociology of urban and social policies
・The present research subject: a comparative survey research on welfare regimes and urban poverty, as well as exclusion in Europe and Asia. Concretely to say, I am carrying out a both quantitative and qualitative examination on the influence of social policy on the local society and population, as well as, social treatment to the instability of the poor and immigrants.
Research Plan for the GCOE Program:
I intend to examine the relation between the reconstruction of the intimate and public spheres in the age of globalization and the transformation of 'the social', through international comparative surveys between European and Asian countries.
Activities in the Asian Center for the Reconstruction of the Intimate and Public Spheres:
(1) Committee:
GCOE Steering Committee
GCOE Information Network Committee
GCOE Website Manager
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