Professor, Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University
Ph.D. in Education , Kyoto University
Personal Homepage: URL:
Main Academic Achievements:
1. 1991 The norm of ‘Good Wife Wise Mother’, Keiso shobo.
2. 1999 The formation of the family and the internationalization of women, Keiso shobo.
3. 2002 The modernization of children: School education and family education, Yoshikohbunkan.
4. 2005 (co-author) The establishment of the post-war public education: Junior high school education in Kyoto, Seori-Shobo.
5. 2008 (co-author) Social history of “Raising and Learning”, Fujiwara Shoten.
GCOE Research Group: Historical Research
Research Subject and Research Plan for the GCOE Program:
The present research subject is to examine the circumstances surrounding children as well as their socialization from the perspective of changes in the school, community, family, or gender. In the education of children, private-ness and public-ness have an opposing rivalry (鬩ぎ合う) aspect, and I intend to make clear the condition of this opposition from a historical point of view. In the present GCOE program, I would like to significantly contribute to the young researchers’ research development.
Activities in the Asian Center for the Reconstruction of the Intimate and Public Spheres:
Group leader of Historical Research
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