Associate professor, GCOE Program for Reconstruction of the Intimate and Public Spheres in 21st Century Asia, Kyoto University

Curriculum Vitae:

Researched the Japanese family at the Graduate Institute for Advanced Studies
Then, changed to local relations studies
Joined the present position on the first of October, 2008
Ph.D. degree at the Graduate Institute for Advanced Studies in 2003

Main Academic Achievements (up to 10)

1. 2006 (author), Ancestor rites and the establishment of the ‘Ie’: From “handanka” to “ikkaichiji”, Minerva

2. 2002 (ed.), The world of folk courtesy, Seibundo

3. 2002 (co-authorship with Ito Yuishin), Development of the religious folk theory, Hozokan

4. 2006 (co-authorship with Ochiai Emiko), Life course in Tokugawa Japan: A dialogue between historical demography and historical sociology, Minerva

5. 2008 (co-author), The potentiality of local complementation opposing to globalization, Akashi

6. 2004 “Women’s lost succession rights: Focusing on ‘handanka’ in early modern times” in Hikaku nihon bunka kenkyu 8

7. 2006 “Development of “hadanka” in early modern times: The case study of美濃国方県郡上城寺村” in Hikaku kazokushi kenkyu 20

2008 “The operation method of religious groups: The case study of 伊勢講” in Kyoto
minzoku 25

Research Subject and Research Plan for the GCOE Program:

My main research subject has been the establishment of the ‘Ie’ (the traditional Japanese family) and the family prior to it. I mainly analyzed the customary practice of ‘handanka’. Handanka is a customary practice in which family members (husband, wife, children) belong to different temples. For these analyses I used religious registrations (宗門改帳). As a result, I made clear that the ‘Ie’ was established in the 18th century. Moreover, I also pointed out that wives (living in the husband’s family) belonged to their own parents’ families. At present, I am carrying out a survey to reconsider today’s society by focusing on traditional local relations. In the present GCOE program, I intend to examine the change of Japanese familism, while also focusing on the editing of Readings.

Activities in the Asian Center for the Reconstruction of the Intimate and Public Spheres:
GCOE Steering Committee, Public Relations

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