TANAKA Noriyuki

Associate Professor, Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University.

Academic Degree: MA, Kyoto University.

Main Academic Achievements:

1. 1999 “The establishment of press journalism” in Kindai Nihon bunkaron 4 Chishikijin, Iwanami.
2. 2003 “The characteristic feature of historical sociology in contemporary Japan” in Historical sociology and Max Weber 1, Miraisha.
3. 2007 “Reconsidering the Weber paradigm” in Tetsugaku Kenkyu 583.

Research Group: Theoretical Research

Present Research Subject:

Theoretical research (history of sociology) on the reconstruction and succession of Weber’s sociology.

Research Plan for the GCOE Program:

Based on S. N. Eisenstadt’s multiple modernities theory, in the international joint research program on the Sociological Theory of the Public Sphere and ‘Multiple Modernities’, I intend to examine the potentiality of a theoretical framework for grasping the universality and diversity of modernity through a comparison of theories of scholars such as Weber, Parsons, Luhmann, Habermas etc. In so doing, I would like to contribute to the present GCOE program by settling a fundamental horizon for considering the social changes and the differentiation of the intimate and public spheres in today’s Asia.

Activities in the Asian Center for the Reconstruction of the Intimate and Public Spheres:

Research Project:

International Joint Research Program on the Sociological Theory of the Public Sphere and ‘Multiple Modernities’ (2008-2009): research representative.

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