Professor, the Center for the Promotion of Excellence in Higher Education and of the Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University

Academic Degree:Doctor (Ph.D. Letters, Kyoto University)

Personal URL:http://with.k.kyoto-u.ac.jp/jun/

Main Academic Contributions

• “The Sociology of the Internet Space: Information Network Society and the Public Sphere”, Sekai Shisosha Publishing Company, 2000.
• “Cyberspace and Publicness: Prospects of the Theory of Information Public Sphere”, in “The Construction of the Information Order (Approach to Socio-Information Studies series no. 3)” edited by Mamoru Itoh, Toshitaka Hayashi and Toshiyuki Masamura, Waseda University Press, 2004
• “Theory of the Information Society as an Ideological Arena”, in “Information (Applied Ethics Lectures Volume 3)”, edited by Masahiko Mizutani, Iwanami Publishing Company, 2005
• “Reconsidering the Theory of Information Public Sphere: an essay based on Arendt’s Theory of Publicness” , Shakai Gaku Nenshi (Yearly Magazine of Sociology), Volume 46, Waseda University Sociological Association, 2005
• “City Transformation: from industrialized society to information society”, in “What is a city? (Iwanami Lectures: Thinking the City, volume 1)” edited by Yosuke Mamiya, Iwanami Publishing Company, 2005

Research Group:Theoretical Research

Research Subject at present and Aspirations about the GCOE:

 While basing myself on Habermas, Giddens and others, regarding the relationship between the macro structural transformations and the micro changes of action, social relation and communication in modern society, I have conducted research on the public sphere as the space mediating the micro and the macro. In this research what I stressed most in particular was the point of view of perceiving “informatization” and “networking” as the result of the reflexive modernity or high-modernity, as Giddens and others called.
 By participating in the GCOE, I wish to contribute to its Research and Education by expanding the research visions so far, on one hand from the viewpoint of the simultaneous reorganization of the intimate and public spheres, and on the other hand from the point of view of the comparisons of modernity taking place in both Asia and in the West.

Activities within the GCOE for Reconstruction of the Intimate and Public Sphere in 21st Century Asia

• Chief for Information Network Committee
• Member of Support Committee for Next Generation Researchers

Research Project:

• Research Contributor (2008-2009) for the international joint research “Sociological Theory of the Public Sphere and the ‘Plural Modernity’”

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