2011年度英語オムニバス講義(Zhou wei hong)
英語オムニバス講義 前期2
Professor Zhou wei hong(The Beijing Center for Japanese Studies・Professor)
【開講日】6月9日、16日、23日、30日 木曜日3・4限
Studies of Reconstruction of Rural Societies in Asia---Focus on China and Japan
【Description of Lecture (strictly within 40 words)】
As a important part of society , Rural society was studied less than cities. So this lecture will focus on Asia's rural societies, especially on Japan and China, to review history of rural studies and teach how descripting of reconstruction of rural societies in Asia, with using teacher's works and papers.
1st week:
Reconstruction of Rural Societies in Asia---Focus on China and Japan(1)
--Rural industrialization
1.concept 2.methodology 3.comparative study
2nd week:
Reconstruction of Rural Societies in Asia---Focus on China and Japan(2)
--Reconstruction of Rural community
1.concept 2.methodology 3.comparative study
3rd week:
Reconstruction of Rural Societies in Asia---Focus on China and Japan(3)
–development of Urban-agriculture 1.concept 2.methodology 3.comparative study
4th week :
Review and Discussion
2011年4月18日(月) 14:56 JST