名 前 |
国際学会名 (開催地) |
報告書PDF |
1 |
カク 洪芳 |
国際シンポジウム 「アジアにおける家族とジェンダーの変容:近代化とグローバル化の時代に」 (京都市) |
2 |
上村 岳生 |
東アジア宗教文化学会(韓国 釜山) |
3 |
濱西 栄司 |
First ISA Forum of Sociology RC47:Panel 5 East Asian Movements and Globalization(Barcelona, Spain) |
4 |
Toivonen Tuukka |
The Network for European Social Policy Analysis (ESPAnet) Stream 10. Work and welfare policies - innovations and cross-border influences. (Helsiki, Finland) |
5 |
坂梨 健太 |
Internationl Workshop
Biological Conservation and Local Community’s Needs Lessons from Field Studies on Nature-Dependent Societies |
6 |
中山 大将 |
東北アジア文化学会17次国際学術大会(韓国 釜山) |
7 |
片田孫朝日 |
Gender and Education Association 7th International Conference(England, London) |
8 |
林 由華
元木 環 |
The 1st International Conference on Language Documentation and Conservation (ICLDC) |
9 |
金 兌恩 |
AAS(the Association for Asian Studies) Annual Meeting
Session 113(Individual Papers): Health and Crossing Borders in Modern Japan |
10 |
竹内 里欧 |
Nordic Association for the Study of Contemporary Japanese Society The 6th NAJS Annual Conference(Turku, Finland) |