海外オムニバス講義(社会学特殊講義)Reconstruction of the Intimate and Public Spheres
単位:2 曜時限:木3・4 講義室:新7講
授業日 | 担当者 | 授業内容 |
4月15日(木) 4月22日(木) 5月06日(木) [PDF] |
Stockholm University Barbara M.HOBSON |
Transitions in Institutions, Polices and Private Life: Is there a Paradigm Shift? |
5月27日(木) |
University of Delhi Anuja AGRAWAL |
Revisiting the boundaries between the public and the private: Exploring marriage and matchmaking in the contemporary Indian Context |
海外オムニバス講義(社会学特殊講義)Reconstruction of the Intimate and Public Spheres
授業日 | 担当者 | 授業内容 |
11月11日(木) 3・4限・新7講 |
University of London Patricia Mary THANE |
The Intimate and Public Spheres in Britain in 20th and 21st Centuries |
2011年 |
Seoul National University Kyung Sup CHANG |
Comparative Sociological Understanding of Compressed Modernity |
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