Thanes Wongyannava先生の講義

社会学特殊講義 Reconstruction of the Intimate and Public Spheres

            木曜日3・4限  社会学共同研究室(文学部棟5階L521)


Thanes WongyannavaFaculty of Political Science, Thammasat UniversityAssociate Professor
Schedule 1110日、1117日、121 13:00-16:15
Family and Sexual Politic: The Aristocratization of the Thai Bourgeoisie
Description of Lecture (strictly within 40 words)
Thai hegemonic discourse of sexuality had been transformed through three processes. 
 1. the process of aristocratization of the middle class.  
 2. the convergence between Chinese male dominant social value and the Brahmin culture of the Siamese aristocrat. 
 3. the process of Victorianization of Siamese elites at the end of nineteenth and twentieth century.  
  These processes have eliminated the sexual value of the peasant culture where sexuality was quite ambiguous, due to its bilateral lineage system and matrilocality.
1st week : The Relative Autonomy of Female House and Matrilocality
2nd week: The Impermance of the Siamese Royal Family and Its Expansion through Polygamy: The Convergence of the Chinese Bourgeoisie and the Aristocrat from the Early Nineteetnth Century to the Mid-Twentieth Century
3rd week: The Victorianization of Siamese Aristocracy: The Masculinization of the Siamese State and the Surname

4th week: Thai middle class does not create its own value. On the contrary they adopt the aristocrat value. The reason for its weakness is related to the question that I have raised above: the process of aristocratization of the bourgeoisie through polygamy where social mobility is only possible through marriage, especially among the Chinese. So this week the topic will be "Why Thai middle class is so weak?". An attempt to answer this question is also related to the problem of the iliberal of Thai Democracy. 




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