Call for Papers: The 5th Next-Generation Global Workshop
本GCOEプログラムは、第5回次世代ワークショップ(2012年11月6-7日、於:京都大学・稲盛記念館)における報告者を公募しております。興味を持たれた方は、Application Guidelinesを熟読の上、ぜひご参加ください。
Call for Papers
The 5th Next-Generation Global Workshop
“Social Innovation and Sustainability for the Future
: Recreating the Intimate and Public spheres”
Overview of the Next-Generation Global Workshops
The purpose of the Next-Generation Global workshops is to enhance our understanding and knowledge of our private and public spheres by providing early career scholars with an opportunity to deliver presentations to an international audience, to exchange opinions with their peers from various parts of the world, and to learn how to participate and communicate in an international academic setting.
This year, we aim to focus on the topic of “Social Innovation and Sustainability for the Future: Recreating Intimate/Public spheres” held in Kyoto University. The committees will organize both the Next-generation Global Workshop and the International Conference as in the previous years.
The Organizing Committee will arrange several sessions in accordance with the topics on which applicants will present. Please carefully note that the procedures of the workshop and arrangements are different from last year in the following application guideline. We look forward to receiving some highly qualified applications.
Date: November 6-7, 2012
Topics: Social Innovation and Sustainability for the Future: Recreating the Intimate and Public spheres
Language: English
Number of Presenters: Number of presenters to be invited: about 30 participants from GCOE partners and their advisors.
Venue: Kyoto University, Inamori Memorial Hall
Application Deadline: June 30, 2012 (JST)
* There is no fixed application form. Please send the application to the Organizing Committee with a clear heading stating that you are applying for the NGWS 2012, together with the following information to:
a) Name (please capitalize your family name)
b) Affiliation
c) Title/ Position
d) Postal Address, Telephone Number, and Email Address
e) Title of presentation and an abstract (500 words)
* For details of this workshop, please see Application Guidelines
Contact: Organizing Committee of the Next Generation Global Workshop, Kyoto University, Japan.
*Please send your application to:
2012年5月31日(木) 09:18 JST