Call for Abstract Submissions: East-West Center International Graduate Student Conference
Call for Abstract Submissions:
East-West Center International Graduate Student Conference
Call for Abstract Submissions: East-West Center International Graduate Student Conference
12th Annual International Graduate Student Conference on the Asia Pacific Region
Honolulu, Hawai‘i, USA
February 14-16, 2013
Honolulu, Hawai‘i, USA
February 14-16, 2013
The East-West Center invites graduate students from around the world to submit papers for the 12th Annual International Graduate Student Conference (IGSC) on the Asia Pacific region, taking place in Honolulu, Hawai‘i, USA from February 14-16, 2013.
The Conference will provide an opportunity to share interdisciplinary perspectives formally, through presenting papers and attending other panel presentations, and informally in the warm and encouraging environment of the East-West Center in Hawai‘i. Participation in the 2012 conference had broad representation with 89 graduate students from 43 universities and 25 countries and territories. We look forward to continued representation from across the U.S. and Asia Pacific region in 2013.
We will accept abstracts August 28 - October 15, 2012.
We will accept abstracts August 28 - October 15, 2012.
Abstracts up to a maximum of 500 words in length of proposed papers are invited from intending participants at this time. Submissions are encouraged from the array of disciplines focusing on the region.
A limited number of travel grants, generally $100 to $200 (up to a maximum of $500) and awarded on merit, will be available.
For details of this conference, please see here.
2012年8月30日(木) 09:25 JST