Call for applications: Heidelberg PhD scholarship
Call for applications: Heidelberg PhD scholarship
The Cluster of Excellence ‚Asia and Europe in a Global Context’ offers one doctoral scholarship (3 years) within the research group‚ perspectives on Aging in a transcultural Context’ (Research Area B ‘Public Spheres’).
The research group aims to develop new perspectives on aging in a transcultural context. Local appropriations of transcultural flows (institutionalised care, media representations, changing job opportunities, new notions of family, autonomy, loneliness and productivity) and the renegotiation of generativity will be studied in urban Asia (e.g., Nepal, India).
The advised PhD project will investigate aging in a third Asian urban environment, preferably in East Asia or South East Asia.
Stipend start should be 1.3.2013.
The successful applicants’ primary task will be to complete a PhD degree, but active participation in relevant graduate courses offered at the Cluster of Excellence or other institutes at Heidelberg University is recommended.
The stipends are rated at €1200/month and last for 3 years. Access to travel and publication funding is available.
Candidates must hold an M.A. or equivalent in a relevant discipline of the humanities or social sciences, preferably from Cultural Anthropology/Ethnology, or Cultural/Human Geography, Gerontology and/or with experience in ethnographical fieldwork methods and in Asia/Asian contexts.
The MA must be graded with an above-average grade (at least 1.7, B+, 2+, or equivalent).
Proficiency in English is mandatory; applications from candidates with knowledge of one Asian language are desired.
A strong interest in transdisciplinary research is essential.
To apply, send curriculum vitae, academic transcripts, an outline of a dissertation project (2-3 pages) related to the research group, names and contact details of two referees, and one written sample via email to Prof. Dr. Christiane Brosius c/o Brigitte Berger-Goeken ( by 7 December 2012.
Please make sure that the application refers to the project number B19.
Review of applications will continue until the position is filled. Heidelberg University is an equal opportunity/affirmative-action employer.
In case of equality of qualification and suitability of applicants, the applications made by female researchers will be given preferential consideration.
We also encourage and welcome applications from disabled persons.
2012年10月31日(水) 10:05 JST